Here is an example of the directory tree:
Chaste/ (top-level directory)
|-- src/ (source code directory)
| |-- projects/
| |--uterine-modelling/ (this project)
| |-- src/
| |-- include/
| |-- config/
| |-- general/
| |-- cell/
| |-- estrus/
| |-- mesh/
| |-- scripts/
| |-- chaste-env
| |-- uterine-simulation
| |-- multi-simulation
| |-- estrus-simulation
| |-- simulation-sweep
|-- lib/ (build directory)
|-- testoutput/ (results directory)
|-- config/ (cp from uterine-modelling)
|-- scripts/ (cp from uterine-modelling)
Singularity install instructions can be found here.
Extract go in /usr/local folder if not using the provided command.
Packages are missing that need to be manually installed for the singularity build to work, command to run is the following:
$ sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libfuse-dev libfuse3-dev
The container can be pulled directly using singularity:
$ singularity pull docker://chaste/release
To use a different version of Chaste replace chaste/release with a different image (i.e. chaste/develop). The list of option can be found here. This will create a .sif file that can be loaded with singularity.
Create a folder called Chaste then clone uterine-chaste from GitHub into a folder called src with the following commands:
$ mkdir Chaste
$ git clone [email protected]:virtual-uterus/uterine-chaste.git Chaste/src
Clone the uterine-modelling repository to the projects folder in the uterine-chaste src folder:
$ git clone [email protected]:virtual-uterus/uterine-modelling.git Chaste/src/projects
Next run the singularity container with the following command from the folder containing the .sif file:
$ singularity run chaste-container.sif
where chaste-container.sif is the name of the container pull from docker.
Copy the config and scripts folder from the uterine-modelling project to the Chaste top-level directory and create the testoutput folder (refer to the directory tree).
The project uses environment variables that need to be updated in order to run the project. Open the chaste-env script in a text editor and change the CHASTE_DIR variable to be the path from the root of the system (/) to the Chaste top-level directory. Make sure that the CHASTE_SOURCE_DIR and CHASTE_BUILD_DIR variables are using the correct names of the source code and build directory, respectively.
Note: the APPTAINERENV_ variables are only used on the HPCs and don't have to be updated if running on a local system.
It is recommended to update the user's .bashrc file to source the chaste-env script automatically when opening a new terminal window. Open the .bashrc file in a text editor:
$ gedit ~/.bashrc
Add the following line at the end of the file after replacing path_to_Chaste with the path to the Chaste top-level directory:
source ${HOME}/path_to_Chaste/Chaste/scripts/chaste-env
Create a directory for the build outside of the directory containing the source code, here is an example of the tree:
Chaste (top-level directory)
|-- src (source code directory)
|-- lib (build directory)
Run the script in the uterine-modelling folder in the source code directory (refer to the directory tree) and answer the prompted questions. This step only needs to be performed for the first build and can be skipped if rebuilding the project.
Note: this project only uses cardiac Chaste.
In the Chaste build folder run the following command to update the CMakeLists for the first build or if a new file has been added to the project:
$ cmake ../src
Note: the argument give to cmake must be the path to the Chaste source code, change it as needed.
Once cmake has been run the project can be build with the following command:
$ make -j4 Continuous
Note: the -j4 flag specifies the number of cores to use (in this case 4), it can be upped to 10 on Dell Precision 3571.
Source the chaste-env script in the scripts folder in the Chaste top-level directory to update the environment variables:
$ source chaste-env
To test that the build was successful run the testing command:
$ ctest -j4
Note: the -j4 flag specifies the number of cores to use (in this case 4), it can be upped to 10 on Dell Precision 3571.
To run a specific test use the -R flag followed by a regular expression. For example, the following command runs all the test with the expression 3d in the test name:
$ ctest -R 3d
The project uses TOML configuration files to edit simulation and cell parameters. An example of configuration files for the different simulations and each available cell type are found in the config folder of the uterine-modelling folder in the source code directory (refer to the directory tree).
Note: the configuration files used during the simulations are located in the config folder of the Chaste top-level directory.
The 2d_params.toml and 3d_params.toml configuration files pilot the 2D and 3D simulations, respectively,and are located in the config/general folder. They are structures similarly:
- General parameters consists of top-level parameters, the name of the directory in which to save the results, the name of the mesh to use, the directory containing the mesh from Chaste/src/, and the stimulus type, and the orthotropic flag to include fibre orientations;
- Stimulus parameters defines the area which will be stimulated in the x, y, and z (if in 3D) directions and only used for simple and regular stimuli;
- Time parameters defines the time properties of the simulation, the duration, the ODE time step, the PDE time step, and the printing time step, i.e. the number of time points in the results. The ODE and PDE time steps should be equal and the printing time step equal or greater than the ODE and PDE time steps;
- Cell parameters defines the name of the cell model to use, and the estrus cycle (only needed if the cell type is Roesler or any other non-pregnant cell).
There are four different stimuli that are implemented:
- zero which does not provide any stimulus;
- simple which is a single pulse;
- regular which is an impulse train with a certain frequency;
- region which is the same as regular but with selects one of the regions (see cell configuration files).
The parameters for the stimuli are set for each individual cell type in their respective configuration files.
Note: the default meshes provided by Chaste are located in the src/mesh/test/data/ folder and the uterine meshes are located in the src/mesh/uterus folder.
The cell configuration files are located in the config/cell and config/estrus folder. The files in the config/cell folder are for pregnant cells or cells that do not include non-pregnant variations. The files in the config/estrus must have the form Cell-name_estrus-phase, where Cell-name is the cell name and estrus-phase one of cycle stages (proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and diestrus). All cell configuration files are structured in the same way:
- Cell properties which consists of the capacitance and conductivities for 2D, 3D, and orthotropic simulations;
- Stimulus which consists of the settings of the stimulus, the magnitude, period (only used if a regular stimulus is applied), the duration, the start time, and the region probability;
- cell_id is the unique identifier of the cell. There are currently 4 different cells;
- Cell parameters which lists the modifiable parameters in the CellML model.
The three first categories are required for the cell model to work. The Cell parameters category should only contain the name and value of parameters that have been identified as modifiable in the CellML model. However, if the parameter is modifiable it does not need to be listed for the cell model to work, the default value will be used instead.
The orthotropic conductivity vector (ortho_conductivities) is only used if the orthotropic flag is true. In that case, an ortho file is required to be in the same folder as the mesh that is used.
The region probabilities is only required when using the region stimulus. The location is selected with a random number generator and the probabilities should always sum to one. The region is either the ovarian end, centre, or cervical end of the uterine horns. The locations are specified in the mesh configuration files.
Note: The units are specified as comments after Cell properties and Stimulus parameters. The initial value and range are specified after Cell parameters parameters.
The mesh configuration files located in the config/mesh folder provide the locations of the stimulated regions. There are three regions per horn defined by the z coordinates:
- cervical the lowest and near the cervix;
- centre the central section of the horn; and
- ovarian the highest region located near the ovaries.
There is one section per horn which contains the x and y limits. They are used to stimulate the given horn rather than both. There is one file per mesh and must have the same name as the mesh.
The simulations are piloted through the config files found in the config folder of the Chaste top-level directory and the script found in the scripts folder of the Chaste top-level directory. There are several scripts that can be used:
- uterine-simulation is the most basic one, it runs a single simulation with the parameters in the configuration files.
- multi-simulation is an modified version of the uterine-simualtion script which runs N identical simulations.
- estrus-simulation is specifically designed to run 4 simulation, one at each stage of the estrus cycle. The meshes are changed to the estrus-specific ones. They can be edited directly in the script.
- simulation-sweep calls the Python script from the symprobe package which provides different types of sweeps.
The scripts all have at least one positional argument: the dimension of the simulation. Valid options are 2 or 3. Depending on the dimension, the 2d_ or 3d_params.toml file will be used. The parameters for the different cell types are found in the config files with their respective name (see Configuration files for more details).
The results of each simulation are stored in the testoutput folder with the following path CELL/monodomain_DIM/results, where DIM is the script input dimension and CELL is the cell name found in the general configuration file. A log file is created for each simulation which saves the parameters used for the simulation.
This section details the steps for editing the code.
To add a new cell to the project follow these steps:
- Ensure that the new cell model has the correct annotation by following the code generation from CellML guide.
- Place the annotated CellML file for the desired cell in the src folder located in the uterine-modelling folder in the source code directory (refer to the directory tree).
- Add a case for the new cell_id in the switch statement of the CreateCardiacCellForTissueNode functions (see code snippet for details) in the following files in the src/projects/uterine-modelling/src/factories folder.
- Add the
statement for the new cell before thenamespace
declaration (see include statement for details) in the following files in the include folder located in the uterine-modelling folder in the source code directory (refer to the directory tree):- AbstractUterineCellFactory.hpp
- AbstractUterineCellFactory3d.hpp
- Rebuild the project by following these commands while in the singularity container:
$ cd Chaste/lib/projects/uterine-modelling/
$ cmake --build .
Example of the code snippet to add from step 3:
case cell_id:
cell = new CellNAMEFromCellMLCvode(mpSolver, mpStimulus);
for (auto it=mpCell_parameters.begin(); it != mpCell_parameters.end(); ++it)
cell->SetParameter(it->first, it->second);
where cell_id is replaced with the new cell number and NAME is replaced with the new cell name. The for
loop is only needed if the cell model has modifiable parameters.
Example of the #include
statement to add from step 4:
#include "NAMECvode.hpp"
where NAME is replaced with the new cell name.
Note: the convention used for naming the cells is AuthorYear.cellml, i.e Tong2014.cellml.
All of the tests for the project reside in the test folder located in the uterine-modelling folder in the source code directory.
Note: if adding a new cell model it is recommended to write a new test for that particular cell, based on the previous cell tests.
The tests are always classes that inherit from the CxxTest::TestSuite class, with a single public function named NAMEClass(), where NAME is replaced with the name of the test class. When writing a new cell test, ensure that:
- the
, and#endif
statements are updated with the new test name; - the
statement for the new cell is added (see include statement for details) before theclass
declaration; - the
name and public function are updated with the new test name; - the new cell model is called inside the test function.
For the test to be include, the ContinuousTestPack.txt file must be updated with the name of the new test file. Once the test has been added to the list, rebuild the project (see Ready to build section for more details).