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Imports: isort Code style: black

Telegram-based application for photo-contests in group chats. Allows for instant photo registration and tracks contest themes with #. Also includes an admin menu for easy management and a leaderboard for tracking results.

To access the bot, use the @photoshnaya_bot handle or go to How to Use section for self-host.


  • Instant photo registration through contest themes followed by #
  • Restricts user's photo registration to one per contest
  • Includes an easy-to-use admin menu at /admin
  • Uploads the winner's photo as the group chat photo
  • Tracks results and generates a leaderboard for both winners and participants

How to Use:

  1. Clone the repository and rename env.example to .env.
  2. Fill in the bot token and postgre_url in the .env file.
  3. Start the application by using docker-compose up --build -d.
  4. Switch off Group Privacy for the bot via BotFather menu.
  5. Add bot to the needed group and grant administration rights.
  6. Shutdown the application with docker-compose down.

System Requirements:

  • This application should work on any platform that supports Docker.


Admin menu Voting menu Contest registration via # tracking