Ad-hoc Neural Tree Generation and Training using Backpropagation Algorithm:
BNeuralT is a machine learning algorithm for learning from data. BNeuralT is applied three categories of learning problems in the examples given here: classification, regression and pattern recognition. The strength of algorithm is in its efficiency and robustness in producing low complexity and high performing models. Considering biologically plausible properties, this algorithm has a computational dendritic tree-like organization.
The BNeuralT algorithm is written in Java version 11 in Eclipse version 2020‑03 and has the following dependencies.
- The algorithm uses DenseMatrix64 of EJML
- JSON object json-simple-1.1 for saving trained models in json format.
- D3js is used for svg of model files.
- NetworkX 2.6.2 is used for visulizations
The MLP algorithm and python scripts is written in Python 3.5 and has the following dependencies.
Setup of Eclipse project structure is as follows:
- BNeuralT (root)
- bin
- data (csv data files)
- dependencies (EJML and JSON)
- model
- view (JavaScript and HTML files for tree models)
- src (Java version 11 source files)
- trained_models
All csv files for classification and regression learning problems are in directory data
Runnable JAR files that can be directly run from command line
# evaluation of classification and regression problems pre-trained models test accuracy collection
-$ java -Xms7000m -Xmx7000m -jar evaluateTreeModels.jar
Eclipse project files structure has a folder src in the folder under the package trainAndEvaluateTree main entry point for the models evaluation is:
Under eclipse project necessary run configuration setup is as follows:
- Command argument option:
- < empty >
- < mnist >
- VM-Argument option: <-Xms7000m -Xmx7000m>
Evaluation of pattern recognition (MNIST) pre-trained models and reproducing results in Table 4
-$ java -Xms7000m -Xmx7000m -jar evaluateTreeModels.jar mnist
MNIST csv files is too big to upload on GitHub - can be downloaded and put in the folder data MNIST files can be downloaded from
- mnist.csv processed to fit with data pre-processing
- The MNIST Dataset
- BNeuralT
- trained_models
- pre_trained_class_reg_models
- dir of a dataset
- 30 dir <data_name instance number>
- 6 pre trained model files <Optimizer name models [DOT] json>
- 1 experiment files <"experiment" [DOT] txt> preserved training data sequence
- 30 dir <data_name instance number>
- dir of a dataset
- BNeuralT_pre_trained_class_reg_models_coll.csv (This BNeuralT test results for Table 2)
- Table_3_stats_of_all_exp_NT_RMSprop_vs_all.csv
- Table_A1_and_All_experiments_results.csv
- Table_A2_mean_of_all_experiments.csv
- pre_trained_models_MNIST (MNIST dataset models)
- Table_4_BNeuralT_models.csv (This has BNeuralT models for MNIST dataset)
- pre_trained_class_reg_models
- trained_models
Runnable JAR files that can be directly run from command line
# running cost functions (tree) for each example in Java Threads (parallel loop) - effective for large problems only
-$ java -Xms7000m -Xmx7000m -jar trainTreeModel_Prll.jar
# running cost functions (tree) for each example sequentially (native loop) - effective for small problems only
-$ java -Xms7000m -Xmx7000m -jar trainTreeModel_Seq.jar
Eclipse project files structure has a folder src in the folder under the package trainAndEvaluateTree main entry point of the training models is:
Under eclipse project necessary run configuration setup is as follows:
- Command argument option: < empty >
- VM-Argument option: <-Xms7000m -Xmx7000m>
experiment_training_setup.txt is a json format hyperparameter experiment setup arrangement of hyperparameters.
{"n_num_exp": "1", [1,2,3... ] - number of times an experiment to be repeated
"n_data_name": "mnist.csv", - [<data name><dot>csv ] - name of a dataset
"n_problem_type": "Classification", ["Classification", "regression"] - learning problem type for data pre-processing module depends on problem type definition
"n_should_normalize_data": "true", ["true", "false"] - for regression problems normalization is efective for gradient descent
"n_scale": "[0.0, 1.0]", scaling factor - [0.0, 1.0] is best suited.
"n_validation_method": "holdout", ["holdout", "k_fold", "five_x_two_fold"]
"n_training_set_size": "0.8", - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] its training set size, 0.8 indicates 80%, the rest is test set
"n_validation_folds": "2", - if "_validation_method" is set to "k_fold"
"n_bound_tree_size": "false", ["true" , "false"] - for regression setting it to true is effective
"n_min_tree_size_value": "7", [3,4,5,...] setting it to 7 for regression is effective
"n_max_children": "4", [2,3,4....] maximum child a node can take
"n_max_depth": "4", [1,2,3,...] maximum tree depth - increasing it in small amount icreamently is effective
"n_prob_of_int_leaf_gen": "0.6", - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] its probability of an internal node is a leaf (terminal) node - effective for reducing tree size
"n_weight_range": "[0.0, 1.0]", - neural weight initialization
"n_fun_type": "sigmoid", ["sigmoid", "tanh"]- current implementation take sigmoid for "tanh" and other function enable (uncomment) the implementation or implement them
"n_out_fun_type": "sigmoid", ["sigmoid", "ReLU", "tanh"]- current implementation take sigmoid for "tanh" and other function enable (uncomment) the implementation or implement them
"n_algo_param": "rmsprop", ["gd","momentum_gd","nesterov_accelerated_gd","adagrad","rmsprop","adam"] - gradient descent optimizers
"n_gd_eval_mode": "stochastic", ["stochastic", "mini_batch", "batch"] - stochastic and mini_batch are efective
"n_gd_batch_size": "10" [1,2,3....] a number appropriate (smaller than training set size)
"n_gd_precision": "0.0000000001", - precision of weight update check
"n_gd_eta": "0.1", - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] learning rate [0.1,0.01, 0.001] are effective learning rates in decreasing order of learning speed
"n_gd_gamma": "0.9", - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] momentum rate
"n_gd_beta": "0.9", - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] decay rates (RMSprop)
"n_gd_beta1": "0.9", - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] decay rates (Adam)
"n_gd_beta2": "0.9", - a value in [0.0 - 1.0] decay rates (Adam)
"n_param_opt_max_itr": "10", [1,2,3,...] gradient descent learning epochs - balance it with learning rate
"n_check_epoch_set": "test"} ["train", "test"] check models performance on training set and test set during the learning it on training set.
- BNeuralT
- source_mlp_tf
- data
- outputs
- data processing scripts [dot]py files
- source_mlp_tf
# it generate a performance "[DOT]npy" files and put in output folder
!$ python
EXP_RUN = 1 [1,2,3,...] number of instance of the experments
EPOCHS = 50 [1,2,3,...] gradient descent learning epochs - balance it with learning rate
BATCH_SIZE = 10 [1,2,3....] a number appropriate (smaller than training set size) for a training set.
solver=['RMSprop', 'Adam','Adagrad', 'SGD','MGD', 'NAG']
FUN = 'sigmoid' ["sigmoid", "relu" "tanh"]- current implementation take sigmoid for "tanh" and other function enable (uncomment) the implementation or implement them
ES = 5 [5, 10, 'No'] - percentage of epochs to try for early stopping
REG = 'No' ['l1_l2' or 'No'] - regularization
OptSet = ['_','_defopt'] - '_' -s 0.1 leaning rate and '_defopt indicate 0.001 leanring rate for 'RMSprop', 'Adam','Adagrad' and 0.01 learning rate for 'SGD','MGD', 'NAG'
# it generates a performance csv file and put in the trained_model folder
!$ python
- BNeuralT
- source_mlp_tf
- data
- outputs
- data processing scripts [dot]py files
- source_mlp_tf
# it generate a performance "[DOT]npy" files and put in output folder
!$ python
Hyperparamter setting is same as default setting mention in Scikit-learn libarary:
EXP_RUN = 1 [1,2,3,...] number of instance of the experments
Decicion tree classifier:
Decicion tree regression:
Gaussian process classification:
Gaussian process regression:
Naive Bayes classifier:
Support vector machine classifer:
Support vector machine regression:
# it generates a performance csv file and put in the trained_model folder
!$ python