######© 2015. All rights reserved ©
V. Ponce-López, H.J. Escalante, S. Escalera, X. Baró. Gesture and Action Recognition by Evolved Dynamic Subgestures. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), pp. 129.1-129.13, 2015.
title={Gesture and Action Recognition by Evolved Dynamic Subgestures},
author={Víctor Ponce-López and Hugo Jair Escalante and Sergio Escalera and Xavier Baró},
booktitle={Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
publisher={BMVA Press},
editor={Xianghua Xie, Mark W. Jones, and Gary K. L. Tam},
Simple tests with the implementations both for the DTW computation and for the mean aligment.
Test the HMM setting to discretize the gesture samples, learn a HMM model for each class and evaluate the models.
Main file to run the whole evolutionary algorithm with temporal segmentation over training data, using the parameter settings from the file varload.m