This is an implementation of feed forward neural networks for recogniting the MNIST. It is written in C++ with CUDA. The feed forward neural network comprises one input layer with 28X28 neurons, several hidden layers and a softmax layer. In the main.cpp file, you can specify the number of hidden layers and the number of neurons in each hidden layer.
- CUDA(7.0)
- GCC(4.8.4 or newer)
After cloning the repository, change the directory to NeuralNetwork_GPU_MNIST, in which there is a Makefile. Type make
. The make
command will compile all the object files and the main exectable file inside directory build. At the same time, it also copies the main exectable file into directory test. Therefore, after the compiling, you should have an exectable file called main inside the directory test.
Download the MNIST dataset
The MNIST dataset is a collection of 28 X 28 images of handwritten digits. The data set is hosted here. The Python3 script inside the directory test can be used to download and format the MNIST dataset using the following command:
cd ./test python
The command generates the following data file inside test/data directory:
train_image.txt train_label.txt validation_image.txt validation_label.txt test_image.txt test_label.txt.
The Python3 script needs packages: numpy, urllib3, gzip, and subprocess.
Train and test the model
Run the following command:
cd ./test/ ./main
The output should look like this:
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Configuration of the nerual network: Num of layers: 3 Num of neurons in each layer: size of input layer: 784 size of hidden layer 1: 30 size of softmax layer: 10 Parameter for of optimization: num of steps: 1000 step size:2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reading data and make Neural Netowrk objects for training and validation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Starint training ...... Step: 0, Cost: 3.980, training accuracy: 0.073, validation accuracy: 0.152 Step: 1, Cost: 3.613, training accuracy: 0.150, validation accuracy: 0.140 Step: 2, Cost: 3.417, training accuracy: 0.141, validation accuracy: 0.207 ... Step: 997, Cost: 0.212, training accuracy: 0.938, validation accuracy: 0.928 Step: 998, Cost: 0.206, training accuracy: 0.939, validation accuracy: 0.928 Step: 999, Cost: 0.215, training accuracy: 0.937, validation accuracy: 0.928 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Evalution the model on testing data: Reading data and make Neural Netowrk objects for testing Cost: 0.234, test accuracy: 0.931