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yaheath edited this page Sep 10, 2014 · 85 revisions

Welcome to yaheath's fork of asuswrt-merlin.

The buildfix branch removes auto{conf,make,etc} generated files from git and instead uses autoreconf or to create them at build time. This way just doing a build won't cause a bunch of files to appear as modified by git.

This also has the effect of making the build work under a wider variety of host distros, since it is less sensitive to the exact versions of the auto{conf,make,etc} tools.

This is the official Wiki/documentation for Asuswrt-merlin, a custom firmware designed for Asus routers.

As with any Wiki, this documentation is a constant work-in-progress. If you have the time and the willingness to help with this Wiki, please let me know.


  1. About Asuswrt and Asuswrt-merlin
  2. Features
  3. Screenshots (External link)
  4. Supported devices
  5. Changelog (External link)
  6. Installation
  7. Reverting


  1. User scripts
  2. JFFS
  3. Customizing configuration files


  1. About OpenVPN
  2. Setting up OpenVPN
  3. Generating certs with Easy-RSA

External software repositories

  1. [Setting up Optware] (
  2. Setting up Entware (Optware alternative)
  3. Webcam video surveillance (External link)
  4. Installing Transmission through Optware
  5. Installing Transmission through Entware
  6. Cherokee Web Server (External link)
  7. [PyLoad Download Manager through Optware] ( (External link)
  8. [Lighttpd web server with PHP support through Entware] (
  9. [Media Server through debian] ( (External links)


  1. Download the latest source code from GitHub
  2. Compile from source using Ubuntu
  3. [Compile from source using MINT13] (
  4. Compiling from source using a Debian-based Linux Distribution
  5. Apply patches to source files

Networking HowTo and Guides

  1. Iptables tricks and tips
  2. [How to use Adblock Plus filter subscriptions to provide advertisement filtering to devices] (
  3. [Secure DNS queries using DNSCrypt] (
  4. [Setting up an IPv6 tunnel through Hurricane Electrics] (
  5. [How to dedicate SSID for VPN and SSID for regular ISP using OpenVPN] (
  6. [How to use ipset to block connections from Tor nodes or some countries] (
  7. Link Aggregation Setup

Misc HowTo and Guides

  1. Scheduled Reboot
  2. Email notification from your router
  3. [WOL Script Wake Up Your Webserver On Internet Traffic] (
  4. Scheduled LED control
  5. [How to make a NTFS usb hdd running more stable as media server, by ChrisR] (
  6. [How to update Dyndns to use VPN IP address] (
  7. [Sort DHCP Reservations by IP] (
  8. [Network Image Scanning With Sane] (
  9. delay start of minidlna to wait for the USB disk mount
  10. Setting-up-FreeRadius2-through-Entware


  1. FAQ
  2. Credits
  3. Contact
  4. Disclaimer
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