WebDirStat is disk usage utility for web servers, it’s a single PHP file that gives you statistics about disk usage inside a specific Directory ordered by size, in a form of a simple tree table.
It makes it easier to find out which files are taking up a lot of space on the disk, and which ones are useless to remove them manually later.
This tool is inspired by “WinDirStat” on Windows and “Disk Inventory X” on MacOS.
Its also show the statistics of files grouped by their type (PNG, JPG, HTML...)
- Download only the file webdirstat.php (you can rename it if you want)
- Open the file with a text editor, and modify this line:
and change the empty password with a strong one.
$password = '' ;
- Upload the file to your web server
- Access the file via your web browser (e.g. http://you-web-server/webdirstat.php)
- Enter the password you chose earlier
- Select the folder you want to scan and click the button
Note: You can delete the file once you don't need it anymore.
- Add a Treemap like “WinDirStat” and “Disk Inventory X” if the browser can handle a big number of files, that can make more easy to detect big files.
- Add support for “Size On disk” on Windows.
- better extension statistics.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.