An asyncio-compatible socket pool. Simple, compact, easily extended.
If your application needs to connect to many remote hosts simultaneously (and often), it probably
makes sense to keep connections open and re-use them rather than establishing a new connection for
every request. Combining an asyncio
event loop and a socket pool might be the way to go!
Based on socketpool.
Requires Python 3.7 or above.
Run a simple TCP echo server in a background thread, using the asyncio
import asyncio
import threading
# start a new event loop running in a background thread
def run_loop_forever(loop):
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
t = threading.Thread(name="BackgroundEventLoop", target=run_loop_forever, args=[loop], daemon=True)
# run a tcp echo server using asyncio in the background event loop
async def echo_handler(reader, writer):
await writer.drain()
async def echo_server(tcp_port):
server = await asyncio.start_server(echo_handler, "", tcp_port)
await server.serve_forever()
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(echo_server(12345), loop)
Create a new TCP connection pool in the main thread, get a connection, and send and receive data.
from aiosocketpool import AsyncConnectionPool, AsyncTcpConnector
pool = AsyncConnectionPool(
reap_connections=True, # a background task will destroy old and idle connections
max_lifetime=10, # connections will remain idle at most 10 seconds
max_size=10, # we will maintain at most 10 idle connections in the pool
async def hello_world():
async with pool.connection(host="", port=12345) as conn:
await conn.sendall(b"hello world")
print(await conn.recv(32))
await hello_world()
Create a bunch of connections and run them all concurrently.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
tasks = []
for _ in range(25):