We extends our previous paper: MiDaS: Representative Sampling from Real-world Hypergraphs for back-in-time hypergraph sampling. Back-in-time hypergraph sampling is to accurately approximate a past snapshot of a given size of the input large hypergraph. Unlike representative sampling, we do not have access to the target (i.e., the past snapshot of a given size). To tackle this challenge, we propose MiDaS-B, an extension of MiDaS specifically designed for back-in-time hypergraph sampling.
We provide source code for (1) sampling hypergraphs, (2) evaluating the quality of sub-hypergraphs for this back-in-time hypergraph sampling problem, and (3) visualizing results.
(1) Sampling Hypergraphs
- Simple and Intuitive Approaches : seven intuitive approaches(RNS, RDN, RW, FF, ONS, RHS, and TIHS) experimenting on 11 datasets
- MiDaS : a sampling method initially proposed for representative hypergraph sampling which allows for control over biases towards high-degree nodes through the parameter alpha
- MiDaS-B: an extension of MiDaS designed explicitly for back-in-time hypergraph sampling which incorporates a hyperedge-size-related term into the hyperedge sampling probabilities, effectively controlling associated biases
(2) Evaluating the Quality of Sub-Hypergraph
Measure how precisely the sub-hypergraph preserves the structural properties of the ground-truth past snapshot of the original hypergraph with respect to,
- node-level statistics: the distributions of node degrees and node-pair degrees
- hyperedge-level statistics : the distributions of hyperedge sizes and intersection sizes
- graph-level statistics : average clustering coefficient, density, overlapness, and effective diameter
(3) Result Visualization
Provide how to generate figures that illustrate 10 properties of the sub-hypergraphs obtained from different sampling approaches
In the paper, we used datasets after removing duplicated hyperedges. We preprocessed eleven datasets collected by Austin R. Benson. The datasets used in the paper are available in the "dataset" folder
Before you proceed with running the code, please ensure that you have compiled it using the make
You can execute the following scripts:
All Baseline Sampling Methods: Use run_baseline.sh to run all seven baseline sampling methods
MiDaS w/o. Oracle: Execute run_midas.sh to run MiDaS without utilizing an Oracle
MiDaS w. Oracle: Utilize run_midas_oracle.sh to run MiDaS with Oracle support
MiDaS-B: For our proposed method, MiDaS-B, execute run_midasB.sh
MiDaS-B w. Oracle: If you wish to run MiDaS-B with Oracle, use run_midasB_oracle.sh
These scripts offer a convenient way to execute the sampling code and evaluate the output at once
Before evaluating sampling methods, compute 10 properties of the ground-truth past snapshot of the original hypergraph by following run_answer_analysis.sh
# Density, CC, GCC
./bin/Sampling --dataname [dataname] --inputpath ../dataset/ --algorithm helper --inputdir [target_algo] --algo_opt "intersection,densification,sizewcc,clusteringcoef" --accuracy 100 --repeat [1,2,3]
# Degree, Int.Size, Pair Degree, Size Dist.
./bin/Sampling --dataname [dataname] --inputpath ../dataset/ --algorithm helperdist --inputdir [target_algo] --samplingportion [0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9] --repeat [1,2,3]
# Diameter, Overlapness
cd src
python calculation_helper.py --dataset [dataname] --algorithm [target_algo] --effdiam --overlapness --repeat [1,2,3] --accuracy 100
# SV
# For threads-ask-ubuntu, coauth-MAG-Geology-full, and coauth-MAG-History-full,
# run `src/preprocess_sv.py --dataname [dataname] --algoname [target_algo] --repeat_str [1,2,3]`
# and then run `run_sv_midas_oracle.m` before the next line
cd src
python calculation_helper.py --dataset [dataname] --algorithm [target_algo] --svdist --samplingportion [0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9] --repeat [1,2,3]
After computing all 10 properties of the sampling results, run analyze/evaluation_table.py --search_name [baseline,final,ablation] --repeat "1,2,3"
You can replicate the table displaying the performance of various sampling methods across 11 datasets, considering 10 properties and 5 distinct sampling portions. To do so, you can refer to the Performance.ipynb
Furthermore, engage in a detailed comparison of the properties exhibited by sub-hypergraphs generated by different sampling methods. This comparison is available in the PlotDistribution.ipynb