Driving in the Occupancy World: Vision-Centric 4D Occupancy Forecasting and Planning via World Models for Autonomous Driving
Yu Yang1,*, Jianbiao Mei1,*, Yukai Ma1, Siliang Du2,†, Wenqing Chen2, Yijie Qian1, Yuxiang Feng1, Yong Liu1,†
1 Zhejiang University 2 Huawei Technologies
* Equal Contribution † Corresponding Authors
Our Drive-OccWorld is accepted by AAAI 2025 (Oral)! -
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4D Occupancy Forecasting and Planning via World Model. Drive-OccWorld takes observations and trajectories as input, incorporating flexible action conditions for action-controllable generation. By leveraging world knowledge and the generative capacity of the world model, we further integrate it with a planner for continuous forecasting and planning.
Drive-OccWorld understands how the world evolves by accurately modeling the dynamics of movable objects and the future states of the static environment.
Drive-OccWorld plans trajectories through forecasting future occupancy state and selecting optimal trajectory based on a comprehensive occupancy-based cost function.
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title={Driving in the occupancy world: Vision-centric 4d occupancy forecasting and planning via world models for autonomous driving},
author={Yang, Yu and Mei, Jianbiao and Ma, Yukai and Du, Siliang and Chen, Wenqing and Qian, Yijie and Feng, Yuxiang and Liu, Yong},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.14197},