Collection of Python scripts or Jupyter notebooks (supported by JupyterLab) to reproduce some of the geographic maps shown in the publications I am involved. To prepare these maps I am using PyGMT the Python wrapper for the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).
Please note: Scripts or notebooks are available up on acceptance of the related publication.
If you make use of this material, please acknowledge the relating publications in which framework these scripts and notebooks were written:
- Fröhlich Y., Ritter J. R. R. (2024). Vertical and Small-scale Lateral Varying Seismic Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle Underneath the Upper Rhine Graben, Central Europe. Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Division Session Exploring Innovations and New Directions in Seismic Anisotropy and Attenuation: Observations, Models, and Experiments I Oral, DI21A-02. Abstract ID 1578275.
- Fröhlich Y., Tian D., Leong W. J., Jones M., Grund M. (2024). PyGMT – Accessing and Integrating GMT with Python and the Scientific Python Ecosystem. Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Union Session The impact of GMT in the Earth, Ocean and Space sciences: What's next? I Oral, U12B-05. Abstract ID 1578856.
- Fröhlich Y., Grund M., Ritter J. R. R. (2024). Lateral and vertical variations of seismic anisotropy in the lithosphere-asthenosphere system underneath Central Europe from long-term splitting measurements. Geophysical Journal International. 239(1), 112-135.
- Fröhlich Y., Dillah M. I. F., Dorn F., Ritter J. R. R. (2024). Investigation of seismic anisotropy in the D'' layer and at the CMB regarding intense magnetic flux regions. 18th Symposium of Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, proceedings, session 2-04.
- Fröhlich Y., Thiyagarajan H., Tölle L. S., Ritter J. R. R., Thomas C. (2024). Understanding the influence of seismic mantle structures at the core-mantle boundary on intense magnetic flux regions. 84th Annual Meeting of the German Geophysical Society, proceedings, session SO-P-07, 181-182.
- Ritter J. R. R., Fröhlich Y., Sanz Alonso Y. & Grund M. (2022). Short-scale laterally varying SK(K)S shear wave splitting at BFO, Germany – implications for the determination of anisotropic structures. Journal of Seismology, 26, 1137-1156.
- 000_general_stuff: Custom symbols, colorwheel, colobar font scaling, Earth section
- 001_paper_RFSG_2022: Maps of Ritter et al. (2022)
- 002_paper_FGR_2024: Maps of Fröhlich et al. (2024)
- 003_taup: Travel paths of seismological phases through the Earth interior; related to Fröhlich et al. (2024)
- 004_earthquakes_eruptions: Maps of selected earthquakes and eruptions between 2021 and present
- 005_global_seismicity: Analysis regarding global seismicity (maps, histograms, etc.)
- 006_tomographies_databases:
shear wave splitting
,deep anisotropy
,votemap analysis
,cluster analysis
- 007_magnetic_field:
- 009_deepdyn: Maps related to the DeepDyn project
- 010_axisem: Maps related to AxiSEM2D/3D
- 011_agu_FTLJG_2024: Python scripts related to the PyGMT talk at AGU24 (U12B-05)
Please note: The required versions are given above in the single folders as well as notebooks and scripts
For bug reports, suggestions, or recommendations feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request directly here on GitHub.
Please note: Specific references are given in the single notebooks and scripts
- Bird, P. (2003). An updated digital model of plate boundaries. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, volume 4, issue 3, page 1027.
- Crameri, F. (2021). Scientific colour maps. Zenodo.
- Thyng, K. M., Greene, C. A., Hetland, R. D., Zimmerle, H. M. & DiMarco, S. F. (2016). True colors of oceanography: Guidelines for effective and accurate colormap selection. Oceanography, volume 29, issue 3, pages 9-13.
- Tian, D., Uieda, L., Leong, W. J., Fröhlich, Y., Schlitzer, W., Grund, M., Jones, M., Toney, L., Yao, J., Tong, J-H., Magen, Y., Materna, K., Belem, A., Newton, T., Anant, A., Ziebarth, M., Quinn, J. & Wessel, P. (2024). PyGMT: A Python interface for the Generic Mapping Tools, version v0.14.2. Zenodo. (v0.14.2), (all versions / latest version).
- Wessel, P., Smith, W. H. F., Scharroo, R., Luis, J. F. & Wobbe. F. (2013). Generic mapping tools: improved version released. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, volume 94, issue 45, pages 409-410.
- Wessel, P., Luis, J. F., Uieda, L., Scharroo, R., Wobbe, F., Smith, W. H. F. & Tian, D. (2019). The Generic Mapping Tools version 6. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, volume 20, issue 11, pages 5556-5564.
- Wessel, P., Luis, J. F., Uieda, L., Scharroo, R., Wobbe, F., Smith, W. H. F., Tian, D., Jones, M. & Esteban, F. (2024). The Generic Mapping Tools, version 6.5.0. Zenodo. (6.5.0), (all versions / latest version).
The presented research and YF received support from various sources:
- Graduate Funding from the German States (scholarship)
- NSF grant EAR-1948602 (travel support for AGU24)
- DFG grant RI1133/14-1 within the DFG Priority Program 2404 DeepDyn (research assisstent)