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The Project is clickstream data flow using python procuder and python consumer (pyspark), kafka, spark, hive, and parquet.

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Click Stream Data Flow

The Project is clickstream data flow using python procuder and python consumer (pyspark), kafka, spark, hive, and parquet.

Architecture Approach

  • Data directory includes clickstream data as clickstream and clickstream metadata.
  • Example data in the data directory. This project supports multiple files. only data files should be same prefix for the naming. PRODUCER_CLICK_CSV_DATA_PREFIX and PRODUCER_CLICK_METADATA_CSV_DATA_PREFIX environment variables using for finding files and categorize data.
  • 2 topics in the kafka as clickstream and clickstream metadata.
  • Procuder application sends clickstream and clickstream metadata to different 2 topics
  • Consumer application read clickstream and clickstream metadata from 2 kafka topics with pyspark.
  • | MISSING | Consumer application aggregates data from clickstream and clickstream metadata.
  • | MISSING | Aggregated data on Consumer application writes to hive
  • Consumer application writes to apache parquet. Kafdrop

Environment Variables on click_stream.env file

KAFKA_TOPIC=click_stream # Using for click_stream data topic name
KAFKA_METADATA_TOPIC=click_stream_metadata # Using for click_stream metadata data topic name
KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP=demo # Kafka consumer grouping name
KAFKA_SERVERS=kafka:9092 # Kafka consumer and producer connection path for docker consumer

PRODUCER_CLICK_CSV_DATA_PREFIX=clicks_hour_ # Producer application uses for finding clickstream data in the data directory for feeding Kafka topic
PRODUCER_CLICK_METADATA_CSV_DATA_PREFIX=articles_metadata # Producer application uses for finding clickstream metadata data in the data directory for feeding Kafka topic
PRODUCER_DATA_ROOT_DIRECTORY=app/data # Producer application data directory
PRODUCER_DOCKER_INITIALIZE_WAIT_TIME=120  # Producer application waiting time for docker initialing
PRODUCER_ITEM_WAIT_TIME=0 # Waiting time for the feed subject of the manufacturer application.
PARENT_DIRECTORY_PREFIX=../ # Producer service in the sub directory and the env variable using for go to parent directory
CSV_SUFFIX=.csv # Producer data suffix

SPARK_SERVER_HOST=spark # consumer spark host for spark connection on docker compose

PARQUET_DESTINATION_PATH=. # parquet extarct path. on the root
CHECK_POINT_LOCATION=. # parquet check point path. on the root

To build it:

docker-compose up --build

List of Kafka topics on Kafka container

./opt/kafka_2.13-2.7.0/bin/ --list --zookeeper zookeeper:2181

Kafka stream data on Kafka container

./opt/kafka_2.13-2.7.0/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic click_stream --from-beginning

Kafka UI with kafdrop



Spark Master UI




The Project is clickstream data flow using python procuder and python consumer (pyspark), kafka, spark, hive, and parquet.






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