Multipurpose Discord Bot A simple Discord bot to keep servers entertained and engaged. It has many functionalities, ranging from simple response embeds like 'random facts' and 'random quotes' to being able to translate the desried messages to English and mainly, the Natural Language Processing chatting feature.
- Responds to multiple commands posted on Discord and prefixed with the '!' symbol.
- Translates any language to English when the '!translate' command is used.
- Chats naturally with the user when the '!chat' command is used.
- Fully fledged game system with in built economy
- More responsive and more features that deal with discord servers itself
- Moderator type features
- Python 3.9 [Associated packages and libraries can be found in the, and files]
- PyCharm Professional
Link: Please note that the NLP feature had to be removed in order for it to be able to be hosted on Running the program on your PC locally however should allow the NLP programs to run and boot up efficiently without any issues.