godic is a simple dictionary tool on command-line.
It includes Japanese-English, English-Japanese and Thesaurus.
You can use go get
go get -u github.com/zuiurs/godic
A simple usage is shown below.
$ godic apple
Case of plural arguments.
$ godic apple grape melon
Above result's source is ejje.weblio.jp.
You can select dictionary for search by designating option below.
-a, -ant
search antonym from thesaurus.com
-s, -syn
search synonym from thesaurus.com
-l, -local
search from local embedded dictionary
The data of embedded dictionary based on ejdic-hand which is public-domain.
For more details, please refer to following URL: http://kujirahand.com/web-tools/EJDictFreeDL.php
The data of dictionary is converted to binary for using jteeuwen/gobindata.
If you want to modify the data, you have to generate godic/local/data.go again.
The instruction.
go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...
cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/zuiurs/godic
go-bindata -o local/data.go -pkg local data/dict_data.txt
- standardize return value of each dictionary api.
- extend weblio api.
- add an option serializing output
- add interactive mode
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.