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Avi Cueva edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 19 revisions

Geoprocessing toolboxes

  1. Clearing Operations**
  2. Distance to Assets**
  3. Geonames**
  4. Incident Analysis**
  5. Military Aspects of Terrain
  6. Military Aspects of Weather
  7. Sun Position Analysis**

** Part of the September 2017 Release

Clearing Operations

Toolbox Tool Tool Summary Model Tool Script Tool
Canvas Area GRG Creates a Gridded Reference Graphic (GRG) over a specified area with a custom size. By default, the cells are labeled with a sequential alpha numeric scheme, starting in the lower left. The cells can also be labeled by a sequential alpha-alpha scheme or just numbers and the starting point can be specified as either the top left, bottom left, top right, or bottom right. No Yes
Number Features This tool will number features within a point feature class spatially from left to right, top to bottom for a selected area. By default the tool will add numbers to a field in an existing feature class. If the extent of the Area to Number does not include all of the features in the target feature class, and if you do no specify a new output feature class, the features outside of the Area to Number will be deleted. No Yes
Point Target GRG Creates a Gridded Reference Graphic (GRG) over a specified area with a custom size. The grid is centered on the selected point. The cells are labeled with sequential letters or numbers. No Yes
Tool Test ArcMap ArcGIS Pro GitHub Issue Notes
Canvas Area GRG
TBD #530
Number Features
TBD #530
Point Target GRG
TBD #530

Distance to Assets

Toolbox Tool Tool Summary Model Tool Script Tool
Distance To Assets.tbx
Geocode Assets and Bases Using the World Geocoding Service from ArcGIS Online or a local address locator (geocoder), the model geocodes input tables of assets and bases. You must be logged in to an ArcGIS Online Organization account in order to use the World Geocoding Service to geocode tables. Yes No
Copy Geocoded Locations When you geocode tables of addresses some features may not get matched. The Geocode Assets and Bases tool copies any such records into the AssetsNotGeocoded and BasesNotGeocoded feature classes. You can manually rematch any unmatched features and copy or append them into your AssetsGeocoded and BasesGeocoded feature classes. After you have invested time in manually matching addresses, the next step is to make a clean back-up (or “Gold”) copy of your data. Having this copy will preserve the investment you made in geocoding and re-matching the addresses. You can use these feature classes for other analyses later. Yes No
Route from Assets to Bases Local Network Calculates the distance from each asset to its base using the "Closest Facility" tool. The tool makes a network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A closest facility analysis layer is useful for determining the best route between a set of origin points and destination points based on a specified network cost. This tool repeats this analysis for each base, selecting a single base and all of its associated assets using the "Base" field values for the closest facility analysis (this is necessary to correctly route assets that are related to one base but closer to another). Yes No
Route from Assets to Bases ArcGIS Online Calculates the distance from each asset to its base using the "Closest Facility" tool. The tool makes a network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A closest facility analysis layer is useful for determining the best route between a set of origin points and destination points based on a specified network cost. This tool repeats this analysis for each base, selecting a single base and all of its associated assets using the "Base" field values for the closest facility analysis (this is necessary to correctly route assets that are related to one base but closer to another). Yes No
Summarize Results This tool summarizes the route data generated by the Route from Assets to Bases tools. For each base, the tool calculates the total length of all of the routes from assets belonging to the base to that base. It also merges all of the route feature classes for all of the bases into a single merged routes feature class. Yes No
Tool Test ArcMap ArcGIS Pro GitHub Issue Notes
Geocode Assets and Bases
TBD #528
Copy Geocoded Locations
TBD #528
Route from Assets to Bases Local Network
TBD #528
Route from Assets to Bases ArcGIS Online
TBD #528
Summarize Results
TBD #528


Toolbox Tool Tool Summary Model Tool Script Tool
Geonames Tools.tbx
Create Geonames Gazetteer Locator Creates a gazetteer style locator from a geonames point feature class. No Yes
Load Geonames Files Loads a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Geonames text file into a geodatabase point feature class suitable for creating a gazetteer locator with the Create Geonames Gazetteer Locator tool. No Yes
Tool Test ArcMap ArcGIS Pro GitHub Issue Notes
Create Geonames Gazetteer Locator
TBD #528
Load Geonames Files
TBD #528

Incident Analysis

Military Aspects of Terrain

Military Aspects of Weather

Sun Position Analysis