Openterface Mini-KVM: Hardware Design, Schematics and Components
Openterface Mini-KVM: Host Applications for Android
Organize your electronic components by placing them in pre-labeled ziplock bags and attaching them to ring binder sheets.
Openterface Mini-KVM: Host Applications for Windows and Linux
Python script that removes unnecessary points from gpx-files
GPS log file viewer and analyzer with support for GPX, TCX, KML, FIT, IGC, NMEA, SLF, SML, LOC, GPI, GeoJSON and OziExplorer files.
A Prometheus exporter for an Oregon Scientific IDTW211R indoor/outdoor bluetooth temperature sensor.
Raspberry Pi script to talk to Oregon Scientific weather station via Bluetooth LE
Connect a Raspberry Pi Zero W to an Oregon Scientific BLE temperature station.
Reading Oregon Scientific T/H Sensors with an Arduino
Connect a Raspberry Pi Zero W to an Oregon Scientific BLE temperature station.
Connector able to download weather data from an Oregon Scientific EMR211X station, leveraging on Bluetooth Low Energy connection
Arduino library for Oregon Scientific and Explore Scientific wireless sensors decode and simulate
Arduino Uno, 433MhzRx and OS WMR86 Weather Station
ATtiny85 with a BME280 sensor in I2C (mimics an Oregon Scientific sensor)
Oregon Scientific sensor logger with Arduino and 433Mhz receiver
Decoder for Oregon Scientific v1 protocol wireless temperature sensors with RTL-SDR and GNU Radio.
Victron bluetooth and serial communication at a python script. With MQTT and HomeAssistant support.
A Python API to parse Victron Instant Readout BLE advertisements
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