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Most UAMMD modules can be instructed to act only on a subset of particles, this is handled by creating a ParticleGroup.
A group can contain all particles, no particles or anything in between.
A ParticleGroup is created via a selector (that checks every particle following a certain inclusion rule) or by directly providing a list of ids.
//By default a ParticleGroup will contain all particles
auto allParticlesGroup = make_shared<ParticleGroup>(pd, sys, "AGroupWithAllParticles");
//Different selectors offer different criteria
//In this case, it will result in a group with particles whose ID lies between 4 and 8
particle_selector::IDRange selector(4,8);
auto aGroupWithSomeIDs = make_shared<ParticleGroup>(selector, pd, sys, "SomeName");
//Equivalently a list of particle IDs can be provided directly
auto idrange = std::vector<int>(4); std::iota(idrange.begin(), idrange.end(), 4);
auto anEquivalentGroup = make_shared<ParticleGroup>(idrange.begin(), idrange.end(), pd, sys, "SomeOtherName");
//A group containing all particles of a certain type (or types) (type being the value of pos.w)
auto groupOfParticlesWithType0 = make_shared<ParticleGroup>(particle_selector::Type(0), pd, sys, "Type 0 particles");
auto groupOfParticlesWithType0And3 = make_shared<ParticleGroup>(particle_selector::Type({0,3}), pd, sys, "Type 0 and type 3 particles");
//A group of 10 random particles
std::vector<int> randomlyOrderedIds(numberParticles);
std::iota(randomlyOrderedIds.begin(), randomlyOrderedIds.end(), 0);
std::shuffle(randomlyOrderedIds.begin(), randomlyOrderedIds.end(), std::mt19937{std::random_device{}()});
auto groupOf10RandomParticles = make_shared<ParticleGroup>(randomlyOrderedIds.begin(), randomlyOrderedIds.end(), pd, sys, "10 Random Particles");
Instructions on how to create a selector are located in ParticleGroup.cuh but the easiest way to create a group with a custom criteria is to just pass a list of particle ids as in the examples.
When it makes sense, UAMMD modules will have an optional ParticleGroup argument at creation. See for example PairForces[2].
ParticleGroup will keep track of its particles and will always provide their up to date global indices.
//You can request an iterator with the current indices of the particles in a group with:
auto indicesOfParticlesInGroup = pg->getIndexIterator(access::location::gpu);
//Or get a plain array with the indices directly, if it exists.
auto rawMemoryPtrOfIndices = pg->getIndicesRawPtr(access::location::gpu); //or cpu, it will be nullptr if all (or none) particles are in the group
//You can also request an iterator that will read a ParticleData array using the group indices directly.
//This allows to write generic code that will work both with a group or with a ParticleData array.
auto allPositions = pd->getPos(access::location::gpu, access::mode::read);
auto IteratorWithPositionsInGroup = pg->getPropertyIterator(allPositions);
//In device code
real4 positionOfFirstParticleInGroup = IteratorWithPositionsInGroup[0];
As a general rule, when writing UAMMD code, it is wise to access particle properties using ParticleGroups instead of ParticleData directly. A default group contains all particles, it is a special case and incurs no overhead (besides maybe a couple of registers) when created or used.
[1] https://github.com/RaulPPelaez/UAMMD/wiki/ParticleData
[2] https://github.com/RaulPPelaez/UAMMD/wiki/Pair-Forces
1. PairForces
2. NbodyForces
3. ExternalForces
4. BondedForces
5. AngularBondedForces
6. TorsionalBondedForces
7. Poisson (Electrostatics) -
MD (Molecular Dynamics)
1. VerletNVT
2. VerletNVE - BD Brownian Dynamics
BDHI Brownian Dynamics with Hydrodynamic Interactions
1. EulerMaruyama
1.1 BDHI_Cholesky Brownian displacements through Cholesky factorization.
1.2 BDHI_Lanczos Brownian displacements through Lanczos algorithm.
1.3 BDHI_PSE Positively Split Edwald.
1.4 BDHI_FCM Force Coupling Method. - DPD Dissipative Particle Dynamics
- SPH Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
1. ICM Inertial Coupling Method.
2. FIB Fluctuating Immerse Boundary.
3. Quasi2D Quasi2D hydrodynamics
MD (Molecular Dynamics)
- 1. Neighbour Lists
1. Programming Tools
2. Utils
1. Transverser
2. Functor
3. Potential
1. Particle Data
2. Particle Group
3. System
4. Parameter updatable
1. Tabulated Function
2. Postprocessing tools
3. InputFile
4. Tests
5. Allocator
6. Temporary memory
7. Immersed Boundary (IBM)
1. NBody
2. Neighbour Lists
3. Python wrappers
- 1. Superpunto