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Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
See SPH.cuh or examples/SPH.cu
SPH is an Interactor module, any simplectic integrator can be used with it (i.e VerletNVE).
Computes a force on each particle as:
Fi = sum_j[ mj·(Pj/rhoj^2 + Pi/rhoi^2 + visij)·grad_i(Wij) ]
j: The neighbours of i (within a distance given by the support of Wij)
m: mass
P: Pressure
rho: Density
vis: Artificial viscosity
W: Interpolation kernel, a smooth decaying function with a close support. See SPH_ns::Kernel
The density on a given particle i is interpolated from its neighbours as:
rho_i = sum_j[ mj·Wij ]
The Pressure is given by an equation-of-state depending on interpolated properties of the particles. Currently:
Pi = K·(rho_i-rho0)
An artificial viscosity is introduced to allow shock phenomena ans stabilize the algorithm.
visij = -nu( vij·rij)/(rij^2+epsilon)
epsilon ~ 0.001
v: velocity
r: particle position
There are two examples using SPH, SPH.cu and dambreak.cu.
[1] Smoothed particle hydrodynamics. JJ Monaghan. Rep. Prog. Phys. 68 (2005) 1703–1759 doi:10.1088/0034-4885/68/8/R01
1. PairForces
2. NbodyForces
3. ExternalForces
4. BondedForces
5. AngularBondedForces
6. TorsionalBondedForces
7. Poisson (Electrostatics) -
MD (Molecular Dynamics)
1. VerletNVT
2. VerletNVE - BD Brownian Dynamics
BDHI Brownian Dynamics with Hydrodynamic Interactions
1. EulerMaruyama
1.1 BDHI_Cholesky Brownian displacements through Cholesky factorization.
1.2 BDHI_Lanczos Brownian displacements through Lanczos algorithm.
1.3 BDHI_PSE Positively Split Edwald.
1.4 BDHI_FCM Force Coupling Method. - DPD Dissipative Particle Dynamics
- SPH Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
1. ICM Inertial Coupling Method.
2. FIB Fluctuating Immerse Boundary.
3. Quasi2D Quasi2D hydrodynamics
MD (Molecular Dynamics)
- 1. Neighbour Lists
1. Programming Tools
2. Utils
1. Transverser
2. Functor
3. Potential
1. Particle Data
2. Particle Group
3. System
4. Parameter updatable
1. Tabulated Function
2. Postprocessing tools
3. InputFile
4. Tests
5. Allocator
6. Temporary memory
7. Immersed Boundary (IBM)
1. NBody
2. Neighbour Lists
3. Python wrappers
- 1. Superpunto