What's new in MarathonEnvs-v2.0.0
New Style Transfer Environments
Plus various fixes to improve performance and make it closer to DeepMimic paper.
Guide to Working With Style Transfer
Guide on how to train your custom motion capture sequence.
WebGL Demo / Support for in browser
marathon-envs Gym wrapper (Preview)
Use marathon-envs as a OpenAI Gym environment - see documentation
ml-agents 0.14.1 support
Updated to work with ml-agents 0.14.1 / new inference engine
Unity 2018.4 LTS
Updated to use Unity 2018.4 LTS. Should work with later versions. However, sometimes Unity makes breaking physics changes.
Train the agent to complete a backflip based on motion capture data
Merged from StyleTransfer experimental repro
Optimized for Unity3d + fixes some bugs with the DeepMind.xml version
Merged from StyleTransfer experimental repro
Replaces DeepMindHumanoid
Sparse version of MarathonMan.
Single reward is given at end of the episode.
TerrainHopperEnv-v0, TerrainWalker2dEnv-v0, TerrainAntEnv-v0, TerrainMarathonManEnv-v0
Random Terrain environments
Merged from AssaultCourse experimental repro
SpawnableEnvs (Preview)
Set the number of instances of an environment you want for training and inference
Environments are spawned from prefabs, so no need to manually duplicate
Supports ability to select from multiple agents in one build
Unique Physics Scene per Environment (makes it easier to port environments however runs slower)
SelectEnvToSpawn.cs - Optional menu to enable user to select from all agents in build
Score agent against 'goal' (for example, max distance) to distinguish rewards from goals
Gives mean and std-div over 100 agents
Normalized Observations (-1 to 1) and reward (0 to 1)
No need to use normalize flag in training. Helps with OpenAI.Baselines training
Merge CameraHelper.cs from StyleTransfer. Controls are
1, 2, 3 - Slow-mo modes
arrow keys or w-a-s-d rotate around agent
q-e zoom in / out
Default hyperparams are now closer to OpenAI.Baselines
(1m steps for hopper, walker, ant, 10m for humanoid)
Training speed improvements - All feet detect distance from floor
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