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aegray edited this page Jul 2, 2020 · 3 revisions


  • BlackCoral - the underlying software layer on the glasses
  • Companion - the phone app that communicates with the glasses
  • Lens - one of the main slides displayed in the glasses interface. Clicking left or right switches between different lenses

Hardware/Firmware Info:

  • To reset pairing (sometimes needed when the hardware gets locked into being paired with one specific device): -> click power twice to bring up eye alignment -> click power 3 more times to bring up the fcc / product information, -> then click power 5 more times to reset the bluetooth connection

I haven't found any other useful key sequences so far, however the app controlling this behavior is in /system/bin/phoropter and maybe there's something useful in reversing that - the only issue issue is it seems to be responsible for all things related to the display (what lens is shown, etc)

Android App Info

  • If, on the login screen, you enter nothing for email and "sudo ./dev-ops" as the password (no quotes), it will enable developer options
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