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aegray edited this page Jul 3, 2020 · 6 revisions

Possibly interesting paths

Bluetooth pan

In /system/etc, I found two scripts: and Additionally there is the following entry in the boot image

service bnep_up /system/bin/sh /system/etc/                                      
   class late_start                                                                                     
   user root                                                                                            
   group root                                                                                           
service bnep_down /system/bin/sh /system/etc/                                  
   class late_start                                                                                     
   user root                                                                                            
   group root                                                                                           
on property:sys.bluetooth.bnep.enabled=true                                                             
   start bnep_up                                                                                        
on property:sys.bluetooth.bnep.enabled=false                                                            
   start bnep_down                                                                                      

So perhaps finding a way to setprop sys.bluetooth.bnep.enable will enable some networking.


There is /system/etc/ which appears to enable an ssh server - and there are a number of public keys in /system/etc/ssh which some of the usernames i can trace back to actual embedded engineers - so I assume this method is definitely used for debugging.

I'm assuming if I can a) enable some form of networking, either through usb or bluetooth pan b) run the ssh init script (assuming it isn't already run), then this may come in handy.

The allowed users in sshd_config are "shell" and "root"

Rewriting the boot partition / default.prop to enable debugging

I think this is probably the most straightforward way - I'm just afraid to try it on the offchance it bricks my device. I also am not sure if the boot image is signed in any way to make sure it hasn't been modified.

Replacing root certs

As far as I can tell, there are certificates in several places that could possibly be overwritten:

  • system's root certificates are in /system/etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem
  • /system/etc/security/ appears to have ota update signing certificate
  • /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml has some sort of signature file, but not sure what this is used for

Given that I can write anything on the filesystem, maybe we can overwrite one of these?

Backing up the firmware


Glasses mmc / filesystems

Exploring partitions locally

  • Once you have individual partition images, they can be mounted and explored with: mount -o ro imagefile destfolder # destfolder must already exist

  • Some images (such as boot.img) require further processing

Partitions + interesting files:

  • boot.img

This contains a ramdisk which has to be extracted

The following are a subset of default.prop found in the boot image related to usb and adb debugging:                                                                                             
  • system.img - mounted as /system
    • /system/etc
    • /system/etc/
      • /system/etc/init.blackcoral.

Applications found in init scripts

  • alexa_app
  • alexa_service
  • calendar_service
  • contact_service
  • daily_briefing
  • demo_notes
  • demo_tasks
  • explore_app
  • feature_manager
  • flynss_app
  • health_app
  • herald
  • jukebox_app
  • music_id_app
  • notes_app
  • notification_app
  • phoropter
  • quest_app
  • showcase
  • sky_captain
  • social_app
  • sportscaster
  • tasks_app
  • telepath_lens
  • telepath_service
  • teleprompter
  • unicorn
  • weather_service

Editing the boot image / default.prop