A playground for developing interactive SVG graphics, as a Svelte component.
- apply the Toolbook/Flash programming model to modern web apps
- vector graphics with scripts and cascading events
- allow working with SVG assets in separate files (editable)
- ... (other aims still foggy)
HTML 5 SVG page (w3schools) mentions that SVG were "not suited for game applications". One of the purpose of this demo is to see, how far that holds true, in 2019-20.
- npm
$ npm install
If you see errors, check out the Troubleshooting section.
$ npm run dev
Your application is ready~! 🚀
- Local: http://localhost:5000
[2019-11-24 19:42:02] waiting for changes...
Open http://localhost:5000.
tbd. Tests are intended, using Mocha, Puppeteer or similar (what is this C... fellow?).
While you're running the npm run dev
, changes to the code are reflected in the browser.
You will need to hit 'refresh' in the browser, though. Remains open whether we want the browser to automatically refresh - it may also be a unwanted.
This module is not currently published to the online
repo. This is because it's a proof-of-concept and not really useful as from-the-shelf. If this changes, we may rethink polishing and publishing.
To use the component in your other (npm) project, use:
Here, just once:
$ npm link
In the using project:
$ cd <your-project>
$ npm link svelte-circles-demo # the name in 'package.json'
This should provide you the component in the other project.
Warning: not tried!
See app/App.svelte for a sample.
If you're on macOS 10.15 and get a bunch of errors about node-gyp
, see here.
$ sudo rm -rf $(xcode-select -print-path) $ xcode-select --install $ /usr/sbin/pkgutil --packages | grep CLTools # should list some files
Then try again npm install
Thanks to Eugenkiss 7 Tasks for the original "Circle Drawer" code, found via Svelte Examples
Read especially this section for knowledge on exporting/importing Svelte components, via npm.
lukeed/svelte-demo used as a template for the
part (demo/testbed) -
Understanding npm-link (Medium; Oct 2018)