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xcode16.2 Bindings Status

Rolf Bjarne Kvinge edited this page Dec 12, 2024 · 46 revisions

Do not directly modify the following table (it's generated) or the script (without discussions)

framework iOS tvOS macOS MacCatalyst
Accessibility b2 PR21686
b3 PR21686
b2 PR21686
b3 PR21686
b2 PR21686
b3 PR21686
AccessorySetupKit b2 PR21692 - b2 PR21692 -
AppKit - - b2 PR21735
b3 PR21735
AudioToolbox b2 PR21691 b2 PR21691 b2 PR21691 -
AuthenticationServices b2 PR21707 b2 PR21707 b2 PR21707 -
AVFAudio b2 PR21687
b3 PR21687
b2 PR21687
b3 PR21687
b2 PR21687
b3 PR21687
AVFoundation b2 PR21709 b2 PR21709 b2 PR21709 -
AVKit b2 nothing b2 nothing - -
BackgroundTasks b2 nothing b2 nothing b2 nothing -
BrowserEngineCore b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b2 nothing b2 nothing -
BrowserEngineKit b2 PR21719 b2 PR21719 b2 PR21719 -
CloudKit b2 nothing b2 nothing b2 nothing -
ContactsUI b2 nothing - - -
CoreAudio - - b2 nothing -
CoreGraphics b2 nothing b2 nothing b2 nothing -
Foundation b2 PR21711 b2 PR21711 b2 PR21711 -
FSKit - - b2 nothing
rc nothing
HealthKit b2 PR21712 - b2 PR21712 -
HomeKit b2 PR21715 b2 PR21715 - -
Intents b2 nothing b2 nothing b2 nothing -
JavaScriptCore b2 PR21716 b2 PR21716 b2 PR21716 -
⚠️ Matter b2 Issue #21177
b3 Issue #21177
b2 Issue #21177
b3 Issue #21177
b2 Issue #21177
b3 Issue #21177
MediaExtension - - b2 nothing -
Messages b2 ??? - - -
Metal b3 PR21718 b3 PR21718 b2 PR21718 -
MetalPerformanceShadersGraph b2 PR21731
b3 PR21731
b2 PR21731
b3 PR21731
b2 PR21731
b3 PR21731
NetworkExtension b3 nothing b3 nothing b3 nothing -
PassKit b2 PR21720
b3 PR21720
- b2 PR21720
b3 PR21720
PDFKit b2 PR21739 b2 PR21739 b2 PR21739 -
PencilKit b2 ??? - - -
Photos b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
QuartzCore b2 nothing b2 nothing b2 nothing -
SafariServices b2 PR21721 - b2 nothing -
ScreenCaptureKit - - b2 PR21730
b3 PR21730
SensitiveContentAnalysis b2 nothing - b2 nothing -
SoundAnalysis b2 nothing b2 nothing b2 nothing -
Speech b2 PR21724 - b2 PR21724 -
UIKit b2 PR21735
b3 PR21735
b2 PR21735
b3 PR21735
- -
UniformTypeIdentifiers b2 PR21728 b2 PR21728 b2 PR21728 -
VideoSubscriberAccount b2 nothing b2 nothing b2 nothing -
VideoToolbox b2 nothing b2 nothing b2 nothing -
vImage b2 nothing b2 nothing b2 nothing -
Vision b2 nothing b2 nothing b2 nothing -
WebKit b2 PR21733
b3 PR21733
- b2 PR21733
b3 PR21733


  • When picking a framework: add your name to the API diff itself, below the framework name. E.g: ## Sebastien.
  • When you create a PR for a given framework, please add the PR URL instead of your name. E.g:
  • Finally run make to regenerate the table, git add xcode11/ and git commit (substitute xcode11 with the current binding season).

⚠️ Warnings

  • Please never remove content, except for noise, from the diffs files (needed by reviewers).
  • Never update the file directly, always update the diffs files and do make.
  • A PR URL in the bindings file shows the work done/being-done and not what the current packages ship.

ℹ️ Legend

  • *nothing* **means there is no new bindings in the frameworks in strikeout (e.g. noise in the headers).
  • The bindings are not complete for frameworks in bold.
  • Bindings are done (does not mean tested or final) for frameworks without text decorations.
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