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xcode16.3 Bindings Status

Rolf Bjarne Kvinge edited this page Feb 25, 2025 · 9 revisions

Do not directly modify the following table (it's generated) or the script (without discussions)

framework iOS tvOS macOS MacCatalyst
Accelerate b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing -
Accessibility b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
AccessorySetupKit b1 ??? - b1 ??? -
AppKit - - b1 ??? -
AuthenticationServices b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 ??? b1 nothing
AVFoundation b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
BackgroundAssets b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
BrowserEngineCore b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
BrowserEngineKit b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
BrowserKit b1 ??? - - -
CarPlay b1 ??? - - -
CoreBluetooth b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
CoreData b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
CoreFoundation b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
CoreMedia b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
CoreSpotlight b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
ExecutionPolicy - - b1 ??? -
FileProvider b1 ??? - b1 ??? -
Foundation b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
FSKit - - b1 ??? -
GameController b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ???
GameKit b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ???
GameplayKit b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
HealthKit b1 ??? - b1 ??? -
ImagePlayground b1 nothing - b1 nothing b1 nothing
LocalAuthentication b1 ??? - b1 ??? -
LockedCameraCapture - - - b1 ???
ManagedApp b1 ??? - - -
⚠️ Matter b1 Issue #21177 b1 Issue #21177 b1 Issue #21177 -
MediaPlayer b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ???
MessageUI b1 ??? - - b1 ???
Metal b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
MetalFX - b1 ??? - -
MPSCore b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
MPSNDArray b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
NetworkExtension b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
PassKit b1 ??? - b1 ??? b1 ???
Photos b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing -
ScreenTime b1 ??? - b1 ??? b1 ???
Security b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
SecurityUI b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
ShazamKit b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
SpriteKit b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ???
TranslationUIProvider b1 ??? - - -
UIKit b1 ??? b1 ??? - b1 ???
VideoToolbox b1 ??? b1 ??? b1 ??? -
WebKit b1 ??? - b1 ??? b1 ???


  • When picking a framework: add your name to the API diff itself, below the framework name. E.g: ## Sebastien.
  • When you create a PR for a given framework, please add the PR URL instead of your name. E.g:
  • Finally run make to regenerate the table, git add xcode11/ and git commit (substitute xcode11 with the current binding season).

⚠️ Warnings

  • Please never remove content, except for noise, from the diffs files (needed by reviewers).
  • Never update the file directly, always update the diffs files and do make.
  • A PR URL in the bindings file shows the work done/being-done and not what the current packages ship.

ℹ️ Legend

  • *nothing* **means there is no new bindings in the frameworks in strikeout (e.g. noise in the headers).
  • The bindings are not complete for frameworks in bold.
  • Bindings are done (does not mean tested or final) for frameworks without text decorations.
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