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[Install] JavaScript Client and Config

Marcel Verkerk edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

To make communication with the timings API a bit easier, we have created a number of "timings clients". This page shows you how to install and use the JavaScript client.

  1. To use timings-client-js, add it as a 'devDependency' to your project:

    npm install --save-dev timings-client-js
  2. Create a config file
    Instead of sending a list of parameters to the API on every call to the various endpoints, a config file is used to set default values. Some of the parameters can be overwritten with the client's .getApiParams() function.

    Copy the sample config from the example below (or from here) to a location on your system - for example: /etc/timings/perftimings.js. You can now edit your file as needed.

  3. Import and initiate the client

    const timings = require('timings-client-js');
    const perf = new timings.PUtils('/etc/timings/perftimings.js');    

You can now use this client in your test scenarios. Some example use cases:

  • Asserting page load time
  • Asserting API timings

Example config file:

module.exports = {
    "PERF_API_URL": "http://<API host>/v2/api/cicd/",
    "api_timeout": 2000,
    "api_params": {
        "sla": {
            "pageLoadTime": 2000
        "baseline": {
            "days": 7,
            "perc": 75,
            "padding": 1.2,
            "incl": {
                "env_target": "_log_"
        "flags": {
            "assertBaseline": true,
            "debug": false,
            "esTrace": false,
            "esCreate": false,
            "passOnFailedAssert": false
        "log": {
            "test_info": "Sample test_info",
            "env_tester": "Sample tester",
            "browser": "Sample browser",
            "env_target": "Sample target",
            "team": "SAMPLE TEAM"

more detailed information: