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[Use case] Asserting Page Load time

Marcel Verkerk edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

TIMINGS API - USE CASE 1 - Assert Pageload Time

This use case describes the scenario of running functional UI tests of webpages, collecting navigation timing and asserting the PageLoad time (plt).

Assuming you already have the timings API up and running, you have installed and configured the timings client, you can now call the API from within your functional test script(s). This example is based on Python. For other clients, refer to the installation pages.

  1. Grab the "inject" code from the API /v2/api/cicd/injectjs

    INJECT_CODE = PERF.injectjs(inject_type="navtiming", mark="visual_complete", strip_qs=True)
  2. Execute the JavaScript from step 2 in the browser/webdriver

    TIMING = BROWSER.execute_script(INJECT_CODE)
  3. Set the API parameters

    API_PARAMS = PERF.getapiparams(sla={"pageLoadTime": 3000})

    Note that you can overwrite the default config values here! The sample config file has a pageLoadTime SLA of 2000 but using the .getapiparams() function, we can set it to another value just for a particular test case.

    See the values that you can set:

  4. Send the timing data and API parameters to the API endpoint

  5. Analyze the result Use the assert field in the API's response. This field tells you if the "measured" pageLoadTime was higher (=False) or lower (=True) than the SLA. You can use your preferred assertion method to pass/fail the test.

Example API response:

    "status": 200,
    "api_version": "1.1.3",
    "assert": true,
    "route": "navtiming",
    "esSaved": "ElasticSearch is not available or 'flags.esCreate=false'!",
    "export": {
        "et": "2018-01-05T18:03:52.418Z",
        "@timestamp": "2018-01-05T18:03:52.418Z",
        "status": "pass",
        "@_uuid": "38ec95e5-5dd3-4b93-b2a4-a4d1cdb6d6c5",
        "dl": "",
        "perf": {
            "flatSLA": 3000,
            "measured": 830,
            "baseline": 0,
            "threshold": 3000,
            "visualComplete": 1734
        "info": {
            "ranBaseline": false,
            "usedBaseline": false,
            "assertMetric": "pageLoadTime",
            "api_took": 0,
            "api_version": "1.1.3",
            "hasResources": true
        "log": {
            "team": "Sample team",
            "test_info": "Sample App (navtiming)",
            "env_tester": "test",
            "browser": "chrome",
            "env_target": "prod"
        "flags": {
            "assertBaseline": true,
            "debug": false,
            "esTrace": false,
            "esCreate": false,
            "passOnFailedAssert": false
        "baseline": {
            "days": 7,
            "perc": 75,
            "padding": 1.2
        "nav": {
            "loadEventStart": 830,
            "domComplete": 829,
            "domInteractive": 777,
            "firstByteTime": 130,
            "dnsTime": 0,
            "redirectTime": 0,
            "connectTime": 14,
            "processingTime": 57