Releases: kirby561/Beef
BeefBot 2.1.0
BeefBot 2.1.0 has the following changes:
- The ability to listen for beef ladder changes via a configurable socket (See BeefApiConfig.json.example)
To start receiving ladder updated messages, just connect to the socket and start listening (no need to send anything).
The socket sends messages in the following protocol:
Where Length is a 4 byte integer in Big-Endian byte order and Message is a UTF-8 encoded JSON string that is [Length] bytes long.
For example:
00, 00, 00, 20, 7B, 20, 22, 4D, 65, 73, 73, 61, 67, 65, 22, 3A, 20, 22, 4F, 6E, 4C, 61, 64, 64, 65, 72, 43, 68, 61, 6E, 67, 65, 64, 22, 20, 7D
|--------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
4 byte Length 32 bytes of a UTF8 encoded message String
(32 in this case)
Currently the only message you will receive is the following:
"Message": "OnLadderChanged"
- The Google Slides API and related configuration have been removed since it is now obsolete
BeefBot 2.0.0
This version has 3 major updates:
- Updated to .net 6
- Stores the latest beef ladder locally instead of reading it from the google slide first
- Allows clients to retrieve the current ladder via a rest call at /beef-ladder
The ladder is returned as a JSON structure in the following form:
"beefLadder": [
"rank": 1,
"beefName": "Haffey",
"race": "Terran",
"mmr": "5564"
"rank": 2,
"beefName": "Rocker",
"race": "Protoss",
"mmr": "5554"
BeefBot 1.9.1
BeefBot 1.9.1 is a minor release that improves the default go-live message when a stream goes live. It will now show the Stream Title and the game being played as well as just the stream link.
BeefBot 1.9.0
BeefBot 1.9.0 adds the ability to monitor Twitch channels and message a configured channel with a go live message when they go online.
In order to use this functionality you need to create a Twitch Application on in order to get a Client ID and Client Secret. You can then configure BeefBot in config.json with these credentials so that it can use the Twitch API:
"TwitchConfig": {
"Version": 1,
"MsPerPoll": 60000,
"GoLiveChannel": "stream-links",
"ClientId": "...",
"ClientSecret": "..."
You can set "TwitchConfig" to null if you do not want to support this feature.
Once configured, streams can be added/deleted/listed with the following commands:
!beef monitor
!beef unmonitor
!beef listMonitoredStreams
BeefBot 1.8.0
BeefBot 1.8.0 adds the ability to specify "Dynamic Channels".
A Dynamic Channel is a channel in a discord that should be copied/deleted in order to maintain exactly 1 empty channel of that name. This can be used to make sure there is always another "2v2 Teams" channel to join for example but when a team is done, remove the channel so there is always exactly 1 empty of that channel to join. This keeps the Discord cleaner by not having duplicate channels just to try to make sure there are enough of each type to join.
Dynamic Channels can be configured in the config.json file by simply listing the channel names that should have this behavior:
"DynamicChannels": [ "2v2 Teams", "3v3 Teams", "4v4 Teams" ],
Note that the bot needs permissions to Manage these channels or it will throw an error when it tries.
BeefBot 1.6.0
- Fixed a crash that could occur if authentication times out with the Google presentation API.
- Made user MMR/Race/League be remembered if the Blizzard API goes down. It will now show the last known MMR/Race instead of nothing.
BeefBot 1.5.0
BeefBot 1.4.1
- Updates the MMR on launch so it updates right away
- Adds some delay in-between Blizzard API calls so that it doesn't spam them and risk the bot being denied access
- Fixed the Remove command
BeefBot 1.4.0
This is version 1.4 of BeefBot.
The following changes were made:
- Adds the ability to register players with their Discord names and link them to an SC2 profile.
- If a player is linked to an SC2 profile, their highest MMR and race will automatically be displayed along with their beef name on the ladder.
- The removed player is bolded in the bot's response.
BeefBot 1.1.0
This is version 1.1.0 of BeefBot.
The following changes are included:
- Added a ReadMe explaining how to setup the bot.
- Added the remove command and cleaned up some of the existing commands
- Added the MIT license since one was missing.