ROSBAG log service functionality. It has 3 services
- Start rosbag: Starts rosbag and logs all the topics indicated in the config file (params.yaml)
- Stop rosbag: Stops the current rosbag
- Save rosbag: Saves the given rosbag in another folder compressed using zstd.
Rosbag service depends on rosbag2 package
git submodule init git submodule update
ros2 service call /rosbag2_service/rosbag2_service_node/rosbag_start_srv rosbag2_service_msg/srv/RosbagStart "{path: '/path/to/rosbag/folder/to/create'}
ros2 service call /rosbag2_service/rosbag2_service_node/rosbag_stop_srv std_srvs/srv/Trigger
Save a compressed rosbag
ros2 service call /rosbag2_service/rosbag2_service_node/rosbag_save_srv rosbag2_service_msg/srv/RosbagSave "{path: '/path/to/rosbag/folder/to/compress', compressed_path: '/path/to/compressed/folder/to/create'}"
2023 Movvo Robotics - MIT License (see license file)