This project establishes a reliable UART-based communication channel between an FPGA and a PC. The FPGA executes real-time histogram computation on the widths of pulses generated by a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)-based pseudo-random pulse generator. The implementation is successfully deployed on an Altera DE-0 Nano (Cyclone IV) FPGA board.
The figure above illustrates the architecture of the system. Below is a description of the key modules:
A pseudo-random pulse generator based on an LFSR, responsible for generating digital pulse sequences.
Measures the widths of incoming digital pulses (in clock cycles) and transmits this data to the histogram computation module.
Constructs a histogram by counting occurrences of various pulse widths. The computed histogram data is stored in on-chip memory (BRAM).
Speaks & Listens UART. Handles UART communication by decoding commands received from a Python application running on the PC and sending back the requested responses. The UART handshake protocol that is designed for this application is documented in uart_handshake_spec along with the necessary timing diagrams.
The following figures illustrate the expected pulse behavior and histogram, as well as the actual histogram acquired from the FPGA via UART.
The testbench file (hist_system_tb.v) includes a mechanism for logging the actual pulses and expected pulse width data during ModelSim simulation. This logged data serves as the golden reference for verifying FPGA-acquired data.
The UART log while running the python application ( on the PC is as follows:
Available serial ports:
0: COM8
1: COM11
Select the serial port index: 0
Connected to COM8.
Sending command: START_HIST
Sending command: END_COMMAND
Sending command: STOP_HIST
Sending command: END_COMMAND
Sending command: SET_NUMBINS
Sending Byte: 0
Sending Byte: 2
Sending command: END_COMMAND
Sending command: SET_BINADDR
Sending Byte: 0
Sending Byte: 0
Calculated expected transfers: 1025
Sending command: START_UPLOAD
Sending command: END_COMMAND
Time taken to receive 1025 responses: 0.090 seconds
Histogram data saved to histogram_data.csv
Histogram data saved to histogram_raw_data.csv
Time taken to receive responses from requested bins: 0.090 seconds
The overall time taken to transfer a total of 1K bytes of valid data is 0.9 seconds.
[1] How a Linear Feedback Shift Register works inside of an FPGA
[2] UART, Serial Port, RS-232 Interface