CANU (CSM Automatic Network Utility) will float through a Shasta network and make switch setup and validation a breeze.
CANU can be used to:
- Check if switches (Aruba, Dell, or Mellanox) on a Shasta network meet the firmware version requirements
- Check network cabling status using LLDP
- Validate BGP status
- Validate that SHCD spreadsheets are configured correctly and pass a number of checks
- Validate an SHCD against actual network cabling status to check for mis-cabling
- Generate switch configuration for an entire network
- Convert SHCD to CCJ (CSM Cabling JSON)
- Use CCJ / Paddle to validate the network and generate network config
- Run tests against the mgmt network to check for faults/inconsistencies.
- Backup switch configs.
To checkout a fresh system using CSI:
- Make a new directory to save switch IP addresses:
mkdir ips_folder
,cd ips_folder
- Parse CSI files and save switch IP addresses:
canu init --sls-file sls_input_file.json --out ips.txt
- Check network firmware:
canu report network firmware --csm 1.2 --ips-file ips.txt
- Check network cabling:
canu report network cabling --ips-file ips.txt
- Validate BGP status:
canu validate network bgp --ips-file ips.txt --verbose
- Validate cabling:
canu validate network cabling --ips-file ips.txt
If you have the system's SHCD, there are even more commands that can be run
- Validate the SHCD:
canu validate shcd --shcd SHCD.xlsx
- Validate the SHCD against network cabling:
canu validate shcd-cabling --shcd SHCD.xlsx --ips-file ips.txt
- Generate switch config for the network:
canu generate network config --shcd SHCD.xlsx --sls-file sls_input_file.json --folder configs
- Convert the SHCD to CCJ:
canu validate shcd --shcd SHCD.xlsx --json --out paddle.json
If you have the system's CCJ
- Validate the Paddle / CCJ:
canu validate paddle --ccj paddle.json
- Validate the CCJ against network cabling:
canu validate paddle-cabling --ccj paddle.json --ips-file ips.txt
- Generate switch config for the network:
canu generate network config --ccj paddle.json --sls-file sls_input_file.json --folder configs
The paddle or CCJ (CSM Cabling JSON) is a JSON representation of the network. There are many benefits of using the CCJ:
- The CCJ schema has been validated using paddle-schema.json
- The paddle has been architecturally validated to ensure all connections between devices are approved
- All port connections between devices have been checked using the CANU model to ensure speed, slot choice, and port availability has been confirmed
- The CCJ is machine readable and therefore easy to build additional tooling around
- There are less flags that need to be used when reading the CCJ vs the SHCD
The SHCD can easily be converted into CCJ by using canu validate shcd --shcd SHCD.xlsx --json --out paddle.json
CANU Initialization
Report Switch Firmware
Report Network Firmware
Report Switch Cabling
Report Network Cabling
Validate SHCD
Validate Paddle
Validate Network Cabling
Validate SHCD and Cabling
Validate Paddle and Cabling
Validate Network BGP
Generate Switch Config
Generate Network Config
Validate Switch Config
Validate Network Config
Backup Network
Send Command
Road Map
In order to run CANU, both python3 and pip3 need to be installed.
To run CANU inside a container:
- Prerequisites:
- docker
- docker-compose
sh up
- CANU source files can be found inside the container at /app/canu
- shared folder between local disk is call
and is mounted in the container at/files
- When you are finished with the container and
the container:
sh down
- Prerequisites:
To run CANU in a Python Virtualenv:
- Prerequisites
- python3
- pip3
- Python Virtualenv
python3 -m venv .venv source ./.venv/bin/activate pip3 install .
- When you are done working in the Python Virtualenv. Use the following command to exit out of the Python Virtualenv:
- Prerequisites
To install the development build of CANU type:
pip3 install --editable .
To install SLES RPM versions
To run, just type canu
, it should run and display help. To see a list of commands and arguments, just append --help
To help make switch setup a breeze. CANU can automatically parse SLS JSON data - including CSI sls_input_file.json output or the Shasta SLS API for switch IPv4 addresses.
- In order to parse CSI output, use the
--sls-file FILE
flag to pass in the folder where an SLS JSON file is located.
The CSI sls_input_file.json file is generally stored in one of two places depending on how far the system is in the install process.
- Early in the install process, when running off of the LiveCD the CSI sls_input_file.json file is normally found in the the directory
- Later in the install process, the CSI sls_input_file.json file is generally in
- The SLS file can also be obtained from an NCN that's in the k8s cluster by running
cray sls dumpstate list --format json
- The switch IPs will be read from the 'NMN' network, if a different network is desired, use the
flag to choose a different one e.g. (CAN, MTL, NMN).
To get the switch IP addresses from CSI output, run the command:
$ canu init --sls-file SLS_FILE --out output.txt
8 IP addresses saved to output.txt
- To parse the Shasta SLS API for IP addresses, ensure that you have a valid token. The token file can either be passed in with the
--auth-token TOKEN_FILE
flag, or it can be automatically read if the environmental variable SLS_TOKEN is set. The SLS address is default set to api-gw-service-nmn.local, if you are operating on a system with a different address, you can set it with the--sls-address SLS_ADDRESS
To get the switch IP addresses from the Shasta SLS API, run the command:
$ canu init --auth-token ~./config/cray/tokens/ --sls-address --out output.txt
8 IP addresses saved to output.txt
The output file for the canu init
command is set with the --out FILENAME
CANU checks the switch firmware version against the standard in the canu.yaml file found in the root directory.
The CSM version is required to determine the firmware to validate against, you can pass it in with --csm
like --csm 1.2
To check the firmware of a single switch run: canu report switch firmware --csm 1.2 --ip --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
$ canu report switch firmware --csm 1.2 --ip --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
🛶 - Pass - IP: Hostname:sw-spine-001 Firmware: GL.10.06.0010
Multiple switches on a network (Aruba, Dell, or Mellanox) can be checked for their firmware versions. The IPv4 addresses of the switches can either be entered comma separated, or be read from a file. To enter a comma separated list of IP addresses to the ---ips
flag. To read the IP addresses from a file, make sure the file has one IP address per line, and use the flag like --ips-file FILENAME
to input the file.
The CSM version is required to determine the firmware to validate against, you can pass it in with --csm
like --csm 1.2
An example of checking the firmware of multiple switches: canu report network firmware --csm 1.2 --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
$ canu report network firmware --csm 1.2 --ips,,, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
🛶 Pass test-switch-spine01 GL.10.06.0010
🛶 Pass test-switch-leaf01 FL.10.06.0010
❌ Fail test-wrong-version FL.10.05.0001 Firmware should be in range ['FL.10.06.0001']
🔺 Error
------------------------------------------------------------------ - HTTP Error. Check that this IP is an Aruba switch, or check the username and password
🛶 Pass - 2 switches
❌ Fail - 1 switches
🔺 Error - 1 switches
GL.10.06.0010 - 1 switches
FL.10.06.0010 - 1 switches
FL.10.05.0010 - 1 switches
When using the network firmware commands, the table will show either: 🛶 Pass, ❌ Fail, or 🔺 Error. The switch will pass or fail based on if the switch firmware matches the canu.yaml
To output the results of the switch firmware or network firmware commands to a file, append the --out FILENAME
To get the JSON output from a single switch, or from multiple switches, make sure to use the --json
flag. An example json output is below.
$ canu network firmware --csm 1.2 --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --json
"": {
"status": "Pass",
"hostname": "test-switch-spine01",
"platform_name": "8325",
"firmware": {
"current_version": "GL.10.06.0010",
"primary_version": "GL.10.06.0010",
"secondary_version": "GL.10.05.0020",
"default_image": "primary",
"booted_image": "primary",
"": {
"status": "Pass",
"hostname": "test-switch-leaf01",
"platform_name": "6300",
"firmware": {
"current_version": "FL.10.06.0010",
"primary_version": "FL.10.06.0010",
"secondary_version": "FL.10.05.0020",
"default_image": "primary",
"booted_image": "primary",
CANU can also use LLDP to check the cabling status of a switch. To check the cabling of a single switch run: canu report switch cabling --ip --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
$ canu report switch cabling --ip --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
Switch: test-switch-spine01 (
Aruba 8325
1/1/1 ==> 00:00:00:00:00:01 No LLDP data, check ARP vlan info.,
1/1/3 ==> ncn-test2 00:00:00:00:00:02 mgmt0 Linux ncn-test2
1/1/5 ==> ncn-test3 00:00:00:00:00:03 mgmt0 Linux ncn-test3
1/1/7 ==> 00:00:00:00:00:04 No LLDP data, check ARP vlan info.,
1/1/51 ==> test-spine02 1/1/51 Aruba JL635A GL.10.06.0010
1/1/52 ==> test-spine02 1/1/52 Aruba JL635A GL.10.06.0010
Sometimes when checking cabling using LLDP, the neighbor does not return any information except a MAC address. When that is the case, CANU looks up the MAC in the ARP table and displays the IP addresses and vlan information associated with the MAC.
Entries in the table will be colored based on what they are. Neighbors that have ncn in their name will be colored blue. Neighbors that have a port labeled (not a MAC address), are generally switches and are labeled green. Ports that are duplicated, will be bright white.
The cabling of multiple switches (Aruba, Dell, or Mellanox) on a network can be checked at the same time using LLDP. The IPv4 addresses of the switches can either be entered comma separated, or be read from a file. To enter a comma separated list of IP addresses to the ---ips
flag. To read the IP addresses from a file, make sure the file has one IP address per line, and use the flag like --ips-file FILENAME
to input the file.
An example of checking the cabling of multiple switches: canu report network cabling --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
There are two different --view
options, switch and equipment.
--view switch
option displays a table for every switch IP address passed in showing connections. This is the same view as shown in the above example of checking single switch cabling. -
--view equipment
option displays a table for each mac address connection. This means that servers and switches will both display incoming and outgoing connections.
An example of checking the cabling of multiple switches and displaying with the equipment view: canu network cabling --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --view equipment
$ canu report network cabling --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --view equipment
sw-spine01 Aruba JL635A GL.10.06.0010
1/1/1 <==> sw-spine02 1/1/1 Aruba JL635A GL.10.06.0010
1/1/3 ===> 00:00:00:00:00:00 mgmt1
1/1/4 ===> ncn-test bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb mgmt1 Linux ncn-test
sw-spine02 Aruba JL635A GL.10.06.0010
1/1/1 <==> sw-spine01 1/1/1 Aruba JL635A GL.10.06.0010
00:00:00:00:00:00 mgmt1 <=== sw-spine01 1/1/3
ncn-test Linux ncn-test2
bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb mgmt1 <=== sw-spine01 1/1/4
CANU can be used to validate that an SHCD (SHasta Cabling Diagram) passes basic validation checks.
- The
--architecture / -a
flag is used to set the architecture of the system, either TDS, Full, or V1.. - Use the
flag to select which tabs on the spreadsheet will be included. - The
flag is used to input the upper left and lower right corners of the table on each tab of the worksheet. The table should contain the 11 headers: Source, Rack, Location, Slot, (Blank), Port, Destination, Rack, Location, (Blank), Port. If the corners are not specified, you will be prompted to enter them for each tab.
To check an SHCD run: canu validate shcd -a tds --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs 25G_10G,NMN,HMN --corners I14,S25,I16,S22,J20,T39
$ canu validate shcd -a tds --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs 25G_10G,NMN,HMN --corners I14,S25,I16,S22,J20,T39
SHCD Node Connections
0: sw-spine-001 connects to 6 nodes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
1: sw-spine-002 connects to 6 nodes: [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
2: sw-leaf-bmc-001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 1]
3: uan001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 1]
4: ncn-s001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 1]
5: ncn-w001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 1]
6: ncn-m001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 1]
Node type could not be determined for the following
CAN switch
The SHCD can easily be converted into CCJ by using by using the --json
flag and outputting to a file by canu validate shcd --shcd SHCD.xlsx --json --out paddle.json
CANU can be used to validate that a CCJ (CSM Cabling JSON) passes basic validation checks.
To validate a paddle CCJ run: canu validate paddle --ccj paddle.json
$ canu validate paddle --ccj paddle.json
CCJ Node Connections
0: sw-spine-001 connects to 6 nodes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
1: sw-spine-002 connects to 6 nodes: [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
2: sw-leaf-bmc-001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 1]
3: uan001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 1]
4: ncn-s001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 1]
5: ncn-w001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 1]
6: ncn-m001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 1]
CANU can be used to validate that network cabling passes basic validation checks.
- The
--architecture / -a
flag is used to set the architecture of the system, either TDS, Full, or V1. - To enter a comma separated list of IP addresses to the
flag. To read the IP addresses from a file, make sure the file has one IP address per line, and use the flag like--ips-file FILENAME
to input the file.
To validate the cabling run: canu validate network cabling -a tds --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
$ canu validate network cabling -a tds --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
Cabling Node Connections
0: sw-spine-001 connects to 10 nodes: [1, 2, 3, 4]
1: ncn-m001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 4]
2: ncn-w001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 4]
3: ncn-s001 connects to 2 nodes: [0, 4]
4: sw-spine-002 connects to 10 nodes: [0, 1, 2, 3 ]
Node type could not be determined for the following
sw-spine-001 1/1/1 ===> aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa
sw-spine-001 1/1/2 ===> 1/1/1 CFCANB4S1 Aruba JL479A TL.10.03.0081
sw-spine-001 1/1/3 ===> 1/1/3 sw-leaf-001 Aruba JL663A FL.10.06.0010
sw-spine-002 1/1/4 ===> bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb
sw-spine-002 1/1/5 ===> 1/1/2 CFCANB4S1 Aruba JL479A TL.10.03.0081
sw-spine-002 1/1/6 ===> 1/1/6 sw-leaf-001 Aruba JL663A FL.10.06.0010
Nodes that show up as MAC addresses might need to have LLDP enabled.
The following nodes should be renamed
sw-leaf01 should be renamed (could not identify node)
sw-spine01 should be renamed sw-spine-001
sw-spine02 should be renamed sw-spine-002
If there are any nodes that cannot be determined or should be renamed, there will be warning tables that show the details.
CANU can be used to validate an SHCD against the current network cabling.
- The
flag is used to set the CSM version of the system. - The
--architecture / -a
flag is used to set the architecture of the system, either TDS, Full, or V1. - Use the
flag to select which tabs on the spreadsheet will be included. - The
flag is used to input the upper left and lower right corners of the table on each tab of the worksheet. The table should contain the 11 headers: Source, Rack, Location, Slot, (Blank), Port, Destination, Rack, Location, (Blank), Port. If the corners are not specified, you will be prompted to enter them for each tab. - To enter a comma separated list of IP addresses to the
flag. To read the IP addresses from a file, make sure the file has one IP address per line, and use the flag like--ips-file FILENAME
to input the file.
To validate an SHCD against the cabling run: canu validate shcd-cabling --csm 1.2 -a tds --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs 25G_10G,NMN --corners I14,S49,I16,S22 --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
$ canu validate shcd-cabling --csm 1.2 -a tds --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs 25G_10G,NMN --corners I14,S49,I16,S22 --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
SHCD vs Cabling
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u14
Port SHCD Cabling
1 sw-spine-001:5 sw-spine-001:5
2 sw-spine-002:5 sw-spine-002:5
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u15
Port SHCD Cabling
1 sw-spine-001:6 None
2 sw-spine-002:6 None
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u16
Port SHCD Cabling
1 sw-spine-001:7 sw-spine-001:7
2 sw-spine-002:7 sw-spine-002:7
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u17
Port SHCD Cabling
1 sw-spine-002:1 sw-spine-002:1
2 sw-spine-002:2 sw-spine-002:2
3 uan001:pcie-slot1:1 aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa Cray, Inc.
5 ncn-m001:pcie-slot1:1 ncn-m001:pcie-slot1:1
6 ncn-s001:pcie-slot1:1 b4:2e:99:aa:bb:cc GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.
7 ncn-w001:pcie-slot1:1 ncn-w001:pcie-slot1:1
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u18
Port SHCD Cabling
1 sw-spine-001:1 sw-spine-001:1
2 sw-spine-001:2 sw-spine-001:2
3 uan001:pcie-slot1:2 bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb Cray, Inc.
5 ncn-m001:pcie-slot1:2 ncn-m001:pcie-slot1:2
6 ncn-s001:pcie-slot1:2 b8:59:9f:aa:bb:cc Mellanox Technologies, Inc.
7 ncn-w001:pcie-slot1:2 ncn-w001:pcie-slot1:2
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u19
Port SHCD Cabling
1 sw-spine-001:3 None
2 sw-spine-002:3 None
SHCD Warnings
Node type could not be determined for the following
Sheet: HMN
Cell: R21 Name: SITE
Cabling Warnings
Node type could not be determined for the following
sw-spine-001 1/1/3 ===> aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa Cray, Inc.
sw-spine-002 1/1/3 ===> bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb Cray, Inc.
Nodes that show up as MAC addresses might need to have LLDP enabled.
The output of the validate shcd-cabling
command will show a port by port comparison between the devices found in the SHCD and devices found on the network. If there is a difference in what is found connected to a devices port in SHCD and Cabling, the line will be highlighted in red.
CANU can be used to validate aCCJ paddle against the current network cabling.
- The
flag is used to set the CSM version of the system. - The
flag is used to input the CCJ file. - To enter a comma separated list of IP addresses to the
flag. To read the IP addresses from a file, make sure the file has one IP address per line, and use the flag like--ips-file FILENAME
to input the file.
To validate an SHCD against the cabling run: canu validate paddle-cabling --csm 1.2 --ccj paddle.json --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
$ canu validate paddle-cabling --csm 1.2 --ccj paddle.json --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
CCJ vs Cabling
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u14
Port CCJ Cabling
1 sw-spine-001:5 sw-spine-001:5
2 sw-spine-002:5 sw-spine-002:5
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u15
Port CCJ Cabling
1 sw-spine-001:6 None
2 sw-spine-002:6 None
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u16
Port CCJ Cabling
1 sw-spine-001:7 sw-spine-001:7
2 sw-spine-002:7 sw-spine-002:7
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u17
Port CCJ Cabling
1 sw-spine-002:1 sw-spine-002:1
2 sw-spine-002:2 sw-spine-002:2
3 uan001:pcie-slot1:1 aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa Cray, Inc.
5 ncn-m001:pcie-slot1:1 ncn-m001:pcie-slot1:1
6 ncn-s001:pcie-slot1:1 b4:2e:99:aa:bb:cc GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.
7 ncn-w001:pcie-slot1:1 ncn-w001:pcie-slot1:1
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u18
Port CCJ Cabling
1 sw-spine-001:1 sw-spine-001:1
2 sw-spine-001:2 sw-spine-001:2
3 uan001:pcie-slot1:2 bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb Cray, Inc.
5 ncn-m001:pcie-slot1:2 ncn-m001:pcie-slot1:2
6 ncn-s001:pcie-slot1:2 b8:59:9f:aa:bb:cc Mellanox Technologies, Inc.
7 ncn-w001:pcie-slot1:2 ncn-w001:pcie-slot1:2
Rack: x3000 Elevation: u19
Port CCJ Cabling
1 sw-spine-001:3 None
2 sw-spine-002:3 None
CCJ Warnings
Cabling Warnings
Node type could not be determined for the following
sw-spine-001 1/1/3 ===> aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa Cray, Inc.
sw-spine-002 1/1/3 ===> bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb Cray, Inc.
Nodes that show up as MAC addresses might need to have LLDP enabled.
The output of the validate paddle-cabling
command will show a port by port comparison between the devices found in the CCJ and devices found on the network. If there is a difference in what is found connected to a devices port in CCJ and Cabling, the line will be highlighted in red.
CANU can be used to validate BGP neighbors. All neighbors of a switch must return status Established or the verification will fail.
- The default asn is set to 65533 if it needs to be changed, use the flag
to set the new number
If you want to see the individual status of all the neighbors of a switch, use the --verbose
To validate BGP run: canu validate network bgp --ips, --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
$ canu validate network bgp --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
BGP Neighbors Established
PASS - IP: Hostname: sw-spine01
PASS - IP: Hostname: sw-spine01
If any of the spine switch neighbors for a connection other than Established, the switch will FAIL validation.
To see all the lags that are generated, see lags
CANU can be used to generate switch config.
In order to generate switch config, a valid SHCD or CCJ must be passed in and system variables must be read in from any SLS data, including CSI output or the SLS API.
- In order to parse CSI output, use the
--sls-file FILE
flag to pass in the folder where the sls_file.json file is located.
The sls_input_file.json file is generally stored in one of two places depending on how far the system is in the install process.
Early in the install process, when running off of the LiveCD the sls_input_file.json file is normally found in the the directory
Later in the install process, the sls_input_file.json file is generally in
- To parse the Shasta SLS API for IP addresses, ensure that you have a valid token. The token file can either be passed in with the
--auth-token TOKEN_FILE
flag, or it can be automatically read if the environmental variable SLS_TOKEN is set. The SLS address is default set to api-gw-service-nmn.local, if you are operating on a system with a different address, you can set it with the--sls-address SLS_ADDRESS
- The
flag is used to set the CSM version of the system. - The
flag is used to input the CCJ file.
To generate switch config run: canu generate switch config --csm 1.2 --ccj paddle.json --sls-file SLS_FILE --name SWITCH_HOSTNAME --out FILENAME
- The
flag is used to set the CSM version of the system. - The
--architecture / -a
flag is used to set the architecture of the system, either TDS, Full, or V1.. - Use the
flag to select which tabs on the spreadsheet will be included. - The
flag is used to input the upper left and lower right corners of the table on each tab of the worksheet. The table should contain the 11 headers: Source, Rack, Location, Slot, (Blank), Port, Destination, Rack, Location, (Blank), Port. If the corners are not specified, you will be prompted to enter them for each tab.
To generate config for a specific switch, a hostname must also be passed in using the --name HOSTNAME
flag. To output the config to a file, append the --out FILENAME
To generate switch config run: canu generate switch config --csm 1.2 -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs 'INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES' --corners 'J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23' --sls-file SLS_FILE --name SWITCH_HOSTNAME --out FILENAME
$ canu generate switch config --csm 1.2 -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES --corners J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23 --sls-file SLS_FILE --name sw-spine-001
hostname sw-spine-001
user admin group administrators password plaintext
no ip icmp redirect
vrf CAN
vrf keepalive
Pass in a switch config file that CANU will inject into the generated config. A use case would be to add custom site connections. This config file will overwrite previously generate config.
The custom-config
file type is YAML and a single file can be used for multiple switches. You will need to specify the switch name and what config inject. The custom-config
feature is using the hierarchical configuration library, documentation can be found here
custom config file examples
sw-spine-001: |
ip route
interface 1/1/36
no shutdown
ip address
system interface-group 3 speed 10g
interface 1/1/2
no shutdown
mtu 9198
description sw-spine-001:16==>ion-node
no routing
vlan access 7
spanning-tree bpdu-guard
spanning-tree port-type admin-edge
sw-spine-002: |
ip route
interface 1/1/36
no shutdown
ip address
system interface-group 3 speed 10g
sw-leaf-bmc-001: |
interface 1/1/20
no routing
vlan access 4
spanning-tree bpdu-guard
spanning-tree port-type admin-edge
sw-spine-001: |
interface ethernet 1/1 speed 10G force
interface ethernet 1/1 description "sw-spine02-1/16"
interface ethernet 1/1 no switchport force
interface ethernet 1/1 ip address primary
interface ethernet 1/1 dcb priority-flow-control mode on force
ip route vrf default
sw-spine-002: |
interface ethernet 1/16 speed 10G force
interface ethernet 1/16 description "sw-spine01-1/16"
interface ethernet 1/16 no switchport force
interface ethernet 1/16 ip address primary
interface ethernet 1/16 dcb priority-flow-control mode on force
ip route vrf default
sw-leaf-bmc-001: |
interface ethernet1/1/12
description sw-leaf-bmc-001:12==>cn003:2
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 4
mtu 9216
flowcontrol receive off
flowcontrol transmit off
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
spanning-tree port type edge
interface vlan7
description CMN
no shutdown
ip vrf forwarding Customer
mtu 9216
ip address
ip access-group cmn-can in
ip access-group cmn-can out
ip ospf 2 area
To generate switch configuration with custom config injection.
$ canu generate switch config --csm 1.2 -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES --corners J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23 --sls-file SLS_FILE --name sw-spine-001 --custom-config CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE.yaml
#### Generate Switch Config while preserving LAG #s
This option allows you to generate swtich configs while preserving the lag #s of the previous running config.
The use case for this is if you have a running system and you don't want to take an outage to renumber the LAGs.
It requires a folder with the config/s backed up.
The recommended way to back these configs up is with **[Backup Network](#backup-network)**
canu generate switch config -a v1 --csm 1.0 --ccj ccj.json --sls-file sls_input_file.json --name sw-spine-001 --preserve ../backup_configs/
### Generate Network Config
To see all the lags that are generated, see [lags](docs/
CANU can also generate switch config for all the switches on a network.
In order to generate network config, a valid SHCD or CCJ must be passed in and system variables must be read in from either CSI output or the SLS API. The instructions are exactly the same as the above **[Generate Switch Config](#generate-switch-config)** except there will not be a hostname and a folder must be specified for config output using the `--folder FOLDERNAME` flag.
To generate switch config from a CCJ paddle run: `canu generate network config --csm 1.2 --ccj paddle.json --sls-file SLS_FILE --folder FOLDERNAME`
To generate switch config from SHCD run: `canu generate network config --csm 1.2 -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs 'INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES' --corners 'J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23' --sls-file SLS_FILE --folder FOLDERNAME`
$ canu generate network config --csm 1.2 -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES --corners J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23 --sls-file SLS_FILE --folder switch_config
sw-spine-001 Config Generated
sw-spine-002 Config Generated
sw-leaf-001 Config Generated
sw-leaf-002 Config Generated
sw-leaf-003 Config Generated
sw-leaf-004 Config Generated
sw-cdu-001 Config Generated
sw-cdu-002 Config Generated
sw-leaf-bmc-001 Config Generated
This option allows extension and maintenance of switch configurations beyond plan-of-record. A YAML file expresses custom configurations across the network and these configurations are merged with the plan-of-record configurations.
WARNING: Extreme diligence should be used applying custom configurations which override plan-of-record generated configurations. Custom configurations will overwrite generated configurations! Override/overwrite is by design to support and document cases where site-interconnects demand "nonstandard" configurations or a bug must be worked around.
The instructions are exactly the same as Generate Switch Config with Custom Config Injection
To generate network configuration with custom config injection run
canu generate network config --csm 1.2 -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES --corners J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23 --sls-file SLS_FILE --folder switch_config --custom-config CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE.yaml
This option allows you to generate swtich configs while preserving the lag #s of the previous running config.
The use case for this is if you have a running system and you don't want to take an outage to renumber the LAGs.
It requires a folder with the config/s backed up.
The recommended way to back these configs up is with Backup Network
$ canu generate network config --csm 1.0 -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES --corners J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23 --sls-file SLS_FILE --folder switch_config --preserve FOLDER_WITH_SWITCH_CONFIGS
After config has been generated, CANU can validate the generated config against running switch config. The running config can be from either an IP address, or a config file.
- To get running config from an IP address, use the flags
--ip --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
. - To get running config from a file, use the flag
--running RUNNING_CONFIG.cfg
After running the validate switch config
command, you will be shown a line by line comparison of the currently running switch config against the config file that was passed in. You will also be given a list of remediation commands that can be typed into the switch to get the running config to match the config file. There will be a summary table at the end highlighting the most important differences between the configs.
- Lines that are red and start with a
are in the running config, but not in the config file - Lines that are green and start with a
are not in the running config, but are in the config file - Lines that are blue and start with a
are attempting to point out specific line differences
To validate switch config run: canu validate switch config --ip --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --generated SWITCH_CONFIG.cfg
$ canu validate switch config --ip --generated sw-spine-001.cfg
hostname sw-spine-001
- ntp server
? ^
+ ntp server
? ^
vlan 1
vlan 2
- name RVR_NMN
? ----
+ name NMN
apply access-list ip nmn-hmn in
apply access-list ip nmn-hmn out
Switch: sw-leaf-001 (
In Generated Not In Running (+) | In Running Not In Generated (-)
Total Additions: 7 | Total Deletions: 7
Hostname: 1 | Hostname: 1
Interface: 2 | Interface: 1
Interface Lag: 1 | Interface Lag: 2
Spanning Tree: 2 | Spanning Tree: 3
Router: 1 |
Aruba support only.
The validate network config
command works almost the same as the above validate switch config
command. There are three options for passing in the running config:
- A comma separated list of ips using
- A file of ip addresses, one per line using the flag
--ips-file ips.txt
- A directory containing the running configuration
A directory of generated config files will also need to be passed in using --generated GENERATED/CONFIG/DIRECTORY
. There will be a summary table for each switch highlighting the most important differences between the running switch config and the generated config files.
To validate switch config run: canu validate network config --ips-file ips.txt --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --generated /CONFIG/FOLDER
$ canu validate network config --csm 1.2 --ips-file ips.txt --generated /CONFIG/FOLDER
Switch: sw-leaf-001 (
In Generated Not In Running (+) | In Running Not In Generated (-)
Total Additions: 7 | Total Deletions: 7
Hostname: 1 | Hostname: 1
Interface: 2 | Interface: 1
Interface Lag: 1 | Interface Lag: 2
Spanning Tree: 2 | Spanning Tree: 3
Router: 1 |
Switch: sw-spine-001 (
In Generated Not In Running (+) | In Running Not In Generated (-)
Total Additions: 3 | Total Deletions: 2
Interface: 2 | Interface: 1
Interface Lag: 1 |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Timeout error connecting to switch, check the IP address and try again.
To output the results of the config validation command to a file, append the --out FILENAME
flag. To get the results as JSON, use the --json
There are several commands to help with the canu cache:
canu cache location
will tell you the folder where your cache is locatedcanu cache print
will print a colored version of your cache to the screencanu cache delete
will delete your cache file, the file will be created again on the next canu command
CANU has the ability to run a set of tests against all of the switches in the management network. It is utilizing the nornir automation framework and additional nornir plugins to do this.
More info can be found at
Required Input You can either use an SLS file or pull the SLS file from the API-Gateway using a token.
outputs the nornir debug logs--network [HMN|CMN]
This gives the user the ability to connect to the switches over the CMN. This allows the use of this tool from outside the Mgmt Network. The default network used is the HMN.--json
outputs the results in json format.--password
prompts if password is not entered--username
defaults to admin
Additional tests can be easily added by updating the .yaml file at canu/test/*/test_suite.yaml
More information on tests and how to write them can be found at
Example test
- name: Software version test
task: show version
test: contains
pattern: "10.08.1021"
err_msg: Software version is wrong
- cdu
- leaf
- leaf-bmc
- spine
This test logs into the cdu, leaf, leaf-bmc, and spine switches and runs the command show version
and checks that 10.09.0010
is in the output. If it's not the test fails.
Canu can backup the running configurations for switches in the management network.
It backs up the entire switch inventory from SLS by defualt, if you want to backup just one switch use the --name
Required Input You can either use an SLS file or pull the SLS file from the API-Gateway using a token.
"Folder to store running config files"
outputs the nornir debug logs--network [HMN|CMN]
This gives the user the ability to connect to the switches over the CMN. This allows the use of this tool from outside the Mgmt Network. The default network used is the HMN.--password
prompts if password is not entered--username
defaults to admin--unsanitized
Retains sensitive data such as passwords and SNMP credentials. The default is to sanitize the config.--name
The name of the switch that you want to back up. e.g. 'sw-spine-001'
$ canu backup network --sls-file ./sls_input_file.json --network CMN --folder ./ --unsanitized
Running Configs Saved
Canu can send commands to the switches via the CLI.
This is primarily used for show
commands since we do not elevate to configuration mode.
You can either use an SLS file or pull the SLS file from the API-Gateway using a token.
outputs the nornir debug logs--network [HMN|CMN]
This gives the user the ability to connect to the switches over the CMN. This allows the use of this tool from outside the Mgmt Network. The default network used is the HMN.--command
command to send to the switch/switches.--password
prompts if password is not entered--username
defaults to admin--name
The name of the switch that you want to back up. e.g. 'sw-spine-001'
canu send command --sls-file ./sls_input_file.json --network cmn --command "show banner exec" --name sw-spine-001
* sw-spine-001 ** changed : False **********************************************
vvvv netmiko_send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
# CSM version: 1.2
# CANU version: 1.3.2
^^^^ END netmiko_send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
canu send command --command 'show version | include "Version :"'
* sw-leaf-bmc-001 ** changed : False *******************************************
vvvv netmiko_send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
Version : FL.10.09.0010
^^^^ END netmiko_send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* sw-spine-001 ** changed : False **********************************************
vvvv netmiko_send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
Version : GL.10.09.0010
^^^^ END netmiko_send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* sw-spine-002 ** changed : False **********************************************
vvvv netmiko_send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
Version : GL.10.09.0010
^^^^ END netmiko_send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Canu reports the version of configuration on the switch. It reads the exec baner of all the switches and outputs to the screen.
--network [HMN|CMN]
This gives the user the ability to connect to the switches over the CMN. This allows the use of this tool from outside the Mgmt Network. The default network used is the HMN.--password
prompts if password is not entered--username
defaults to admin
canu report network version --sls-file ../sls_input_file.json --network cmn
sw-spine-001 1.5.12 1.2
sw-spine-002 1.5.12 1.2
sw-leaf-bmc-001 1.5.12 1.2
canu send command --command 'show version | include "Version :"'
* sw-leaf-bmc-001 ** changed : False *******************************************
vvvv netmiko_send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
Version : FL.10.09.0010
^^^^ END netmiko_send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* sw-spine-001 ** changed : False **********************************************
vvvv netmiko_send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
Version : GL.10.09.0010
^^^^ END netmiko_send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* sw-spine-002 ** changed : False **********************************************
vvvv netmiko_send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
Version : GL.10.09.0010
^^^^ END netmiko_send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
pip3 uninstall canu
To run the full set of tests, linting, coverage map, and docs building run:
To just run tests:
nox -s tests
To just run linting:
nox -s lint
To run a specific test file:
nox -s tests -- tests/
To reuse a session without reinstalling dependencies use the -rs
flag instead of -s
- Fix CSM 1.2 UAN template when CHN is used - do not produce None VLAN.
- Bump docs generated from code.
- Change exception-handling in
canu validate shcd
and fromnetwork_modeling
. - Provide better next steps from errors reported while validating SHCDs.
- canu test add ping test for KEA
- Update to release process
- Enabling 1.3 configuration templates.
- Ensure location rack and elevation strings are lower case.
- Add 4 port OCP to templates.
- Add GPU node to model.
- Use Scrapli instead of Netmiko to SSH to Aruba switches when using Nornir.
- Add additional tests to the aruba test suite.
- Add dell CDUs to test suite.
- Add CSM version flag to
canu test
- Fix 1.3 template links.
- Fix VLAN ordering of CMM ports.
- Add Customer ACLs back to 1.3 templates.
- Add SSH ACLs to dellanox.
- Fix Dell CMN-CAN ACL.
- Remove CMN from UAN 1.3 template.
- Add KVM to HPE model.
- Create initial CSM 1.3 configuration framework.
- Remove Metallb IP ranges from ACLs.
- Remove CAN-CMN ACLs from VLAN interfaces.
- Add CMN VLAN to UAN template for Mellanox & Aruba.
- Use full
show run
commands to retrieve running config fromcanu network backup
- UAN CAN ports are now shutdown if CHN is enabled.
- Mellanox UAN CAN ports now only allow the CAN vlan.
- Added CMC subrack port configuration.
- Documentation updates to docs/network_configuration_and_upgrade
- Correct the 'slot warning' to specify more accurate options
- Disable load balacing configuration for Dell CDU/Leaf.
- Add
canu report network version
feature. - Fix Errors in the output of
canu test
- Add route-map and prefixes to allow connection to UAI's from CAN network.
- Fix Dell4148 template to include correct port count
- Add netutils pyinstaller hook file.
- Create unique VSX system macs for each VSX cluster.
- Fixed Mellanox Customer ACL.
- Add VLAN 7 to Dellanox UAN for 1.0
- Fix canu paddle-file.json schema
- Change Rosetta/Columbia switch naming to be sw-hsn--<###> (as with PDU and CMM/CEC).
- Change switch port/interface descriptions to
to avoid truncation. - Change gateway nodes to 4 port 1G OCP card definitions.
- Add dvs and ssn nodes as 4 port 1G OCP card definitions.
- Change large memory node common name from
. - Beta release of
for switch/network config generation where custom-config is not used.
- Added shellcheck GitHub action
- Bump ipython to 7.16.3 to remediate CVE
- Clean up Jenkins build
- Add ACL to block CHN <> traffic for CSM 1.2
- Add Route-Map to CMN BGP peers to restrict routes to only CMN IPs
- More verbose instructions for generating switch configs
- Add the ability to generate BGP config for Arista edge switches.
canu backup network
andcanu test
now checks for connectivity before running commands against the switch.- Refactored canu
. - Fixed mellanox backup config. It requires
show running-config expanded
vsshow run
- Add test for out of sync LAG on aruba.
- Fixed mellanox ping test.
- Update base packages required by Canu to function and fix known CVE from paramiko
- Fixed aruba and dell 1.2 templates so CAN config is only generated when it's detected in SLS.
- Fix
canu generate --custom
andcanu generate --preserve
usage with RPM, this requried a new pyinstaller hook file. - Remove MTU from mellanox templates
- Add negate commands to templates to remove switch defaults.
- Fix a couple
canu validate
issues - Bump ttp version
- Add DNS test to canu/test. remove folder "network configuration and upgrade"
- Add
canu send command
- Added new guide for network install
- Add the ability to preserve LAG #s when generating switch configs.
- Fix hard coded LAG numbers in templates.
- Fix hard coded VLAN IDs in templates.
- Remove unused Dellanox TDS templates.
- Fix BGP output of canu validate
- Ignore
user admin
config during canu validate
- fixed PDU and sw-hsn ports being generated for sw-leaf-bmc switches
- Define warnings variable as defaultdict(list) to handle invalid key errors
- Fix aruba banner output during canu validate
- shutdown unused ports by default on aruba 6300+dell+mellanox
- Removed the override feature
- Add feature to inject custom configs into generated switch configs
- Change Aruba banner from motd to exec
- Reordered the configuration output so that vlans are defined before being applied to ports.
- Fix Leaf-bmc naming corner case: leaf-bmc-bmc to leaf-bmc
- Fix OSPF CAN vlan for 1.2 in full/tds
- Fixed bug to allow canu to exit gracefully with sys.exit(1)
- Add network test cases
- Add network test cases for DNS and site connectivity
- Fixed missing DNS from Aruba switches
- Add NMN network for 1.0 to ssh allowed into switches because of BGP DOCS in 1.0 allowing it.
- Remove router ospfv3 from 1.0/1.2
- Fixed ACL, OSPF, BGP config files
- Fixed test templates for ACL, OSPF, BGP
- Change Aruba banner to match running config.
- Fix Canu test --network
- Add OSPF to vlan 1.
- Add 'ip ospf passive' to vlan 1,4.
- Fix test cases: |
- Fix missing OSPF configuration from VLAN 7 in /network_modeling/configs/templates/dellmellanox/1.2/*.
- Fix descriptions for MTL
- Config backup create /running.
- Add SHCD filename to paddle/ccj JSON to obtain originating SHCD version.
- Remove
canu config bgp
, there is no need for this as it's configured duringcanu generated switch/network config
- Move Aruba CMN ospf instance from 1 to 2.
canu validate
output enahncements & bug fixes.- Template fixes/enhancements.
- Add
canu backup network
canu validate BGP
now has an option to choose what network to run against.- Remove
from mellanox spine02. - Generate unique MAC address for each Mellanox magp virtual router.
- Update canu validate to user heir config diff and cleaner output.
- Add --remediate option for canu validate
- bump heir config version
- Fix Mellanox web interface command
- Remove hard coded BGP ASN #
- Add CMN to CAN ACL
- Level set CSM 1.0 templates with CSM 1.2 minus CMN, VRF, etc..
- Add banner motd to all switch configs with CSM and CANU versions.
- Add documentation to install from RPM (for SLES).
- Remove CMN ip helper on mellanox.
- Remove broken tests.
- Fix Aruba OSPF process.
- Mellanox dns command fix.
- Mellanox loopback command fix.
- Mellanox NTP command fix.
- Add ACLs to VLAN interfaces.
- Add maximum paths to mellanox BGP template for customer VRF.
- Fix Mellanox ISL speed setting.
- Fix PDU node recognition and naming:
pdu<#>, <cabinet>pdu<#>, <cabinet>p<#> all map to a name pdu-<cabinet>-<###>
- Add large memory UAN node definitions:
lm-<###> maps to lm-<###>
- Add gateway:
gateway<#>, gw<#> map to gateway-<###>
- fix sls url
- validate BGP now reads IPs from the SLS API
- Added a feature to run tests against a live network. (Aruba only)
- Enabled webui for mellanox.
- Added speed commands to dell/mellanox templates.
- Updated
- Adjusted the STP timeout to 4 seconds from the default of 15.
- Changed file glob to follow previously updated Jinja2 template locations.
- Command line option --csi-folder has changed to --sls-file. Any SLS JSON file can be used.
- Installation via pip now supports non-developer modes. Pyinstaller binary and RPM now work as advertised.
- The directory of canu_cache.yaml is now dynamically configured in the user's home directory (preferred), or the system temporary directory depending on filesystem permissions.
- Added
canu cache location
print the folder where your cache is located - Added
canu cache print
to print a colored version of your cache to the screen - Added
canu cache delete
to delete the cache file, the file will be created again on the next canu command - Added Dell and Mellanox support to the
canu validate switch config
command - Added Dell and Mellanox support to the
canu validate network config
command - Added ability to compare two config files with
canu validate switch config
- Added ability to compare two config folders with
canu validate network config
- Added an
option tocanu generate switch config
andcanu generate network config
, this allows users to ignore custom configuration so CANU does not overwrite it. - Changed the
-s --shasta
flag to--csm
- Added Mellanox support to the
canu config bgp
command - Added Dell/Mellanox support to the
canu generate network config
&canu generate switch config
commands - Updated
canu validate shcd-cabling
to show port by port differences. - Updated the docs in the
folder to build automatically with nox - Added support for CMN (Customer Management Network) on Aruba and Dellanox.
- Added mgmt plane ACL on Aruba Switches
- Added Metallb networks to ACLs
- Removed the hardcoded VLAN variables, these are now being pulled in from SLS.
- Added 1.2 Aruba templates
- Added CANU validate switch config support for dellanox.
- BGP is now generated during
canu generate
switch/network config. (aruba &Mellanox) - Computes/HSN-bmcs/VizNodes/LoginNodes/pdus now have their switch config generated.
- Added SubRack support for reading in all variations from the SHCD, and added sub_location and parent to the JSON output
- Added Paddle / CCJ (CSM Cabling JSON) support. Commands
canu validate paddle
andcanu validate paddle-cabling
can validate the CCJ. Config can be generated using CCJ. - Added the
command to the Docker image. - Added
canu test
to run tests against the network (aruba only).
0.0.6 - 2021-9-23
- Added alpha version of schema-checked JSON output in
validate shcd
as a machine-readable exchange for SHCD data. - Add ability to run CANU in a container, and update Python virtual environment documentation.
- Added
canu generate switch config
to generate switch configuration for Aruba systems. - Added
canu generate network config
to generate network configuration for Aruba systems. - Added
canu validate switch config
to compare running switch config to a file for Aruba systems. - Added
canu validate network config
to compare running network config to files for Aruba systems. - Updated naming conventions to
canu <verb> switch/network <noun>
- Added the ability to fully track device slot and port assignments.
- Mountain hardware (CMM, CEC) is now being generated in the switch configurations.
- Fixed multiple templates to match what is on the Aruba switch, these include, UANs, Loopbacks, VLAN interfaces, ACLs.
- Known Limitations:
- PDUs are not yet properly handled in the generated switch configurations.
- Switch and SNMP passwords have been removed from generated configurations until the handling code is secure.
0.0.5 - 2021-5-14
- Updated license
- Updated the plan-of-record firmware for the 8360 in Shasta 1.4 and 1.5
- Added
config bgp
command to update bgp configuration for a pair of switches.
0.0.4 - 2021-05-07
- Added
verify shcd
command to allow verification of SHCD spreadsheets - Added
verify cabling
command to run verifications on network IPs - Added additional documentation for each command, added docstring checks to lint tests, and updated testing feedback
- Added
verify shcd-cabling
command to run verifications of SHCD spreadsheets against network IPs - Added
validate bgp
command to validate spine switch neighbors
0.0.3 - 2021-04-16
- Cache firmware API calls to canu_cache.yaml file.
- Able to check cabling with LLDP on a switch using the
canu switch cabling
command. - Cache cabling information to canu_cache.yaml file.
- For the
canu init
command the CSI input now comes from the sls_input_file.json instead of the NMN.yaml file. - Able to check cabling with LLDP on the whole network using the
canu network cabling
0.0.2 - 2021-03-29
- Added ability to initialize CANU by reading IP addresses from the CSI output folder, or from the Shasta SLS API by running
canu init
. The initialization will output the IP addresses to an output file. - Added ability for the network firmware command to read IPv4 address from a file using the --ips-file flag
- Added the --out flag to the switch firmware and network firmware commands to output to a file.
- Added the --json output to the network firmware command
- Full coverage testing
- Added --version flag
- Docstring checks and improvements
0.0.1 - 2021-03-19
- Initial release!
- Ability for CANU to get the firmware of a single or multiple Aruba switches
- Standardized the canu.yaml file to show currently supported switch firmware versions.