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This project comprises the datasets and Python versions of two codebase: (1) Semantic-SuPer: A Semantic-aware Surgical Perception Framework, and (2) SuPer: A Surgical Perception Framework for Endoscopic Tissue Manipulation.

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Semantic-SuPer: A Semantic-aware Surgical Perception Framework for Endoscopic Tissue Identification, Reconstruction, and Tracking

  • This is the code for "Semantic-SuPer: A Semantic-aware Surgical Perception Framework for Endoscopic Tissue Identification, Reconstruction, and Tracking". | Paper | Data | Depth Estimation Pre-trained Models |

  • It also has the implementation our previous work: SuPer Framework. | Website | Data |

Setup the environmemt

Option A: Using Docker

  1. If you don't have CUDA support installed, install NVIDIA CUDA Driver and CUDA Toolkit by following NVIDIA documentation. We recommend using the runfile installation method. The runfile we recommend is version 12.2.
  2. Install Docker and NVIDIA Container Toolkit by following these two linked documents. If you have Docker already installed and have CUDA gpg key already set up, you can simply install NVIDIA Container Toolkit by running the following command:
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit
  1. Build docker image by running the following command:
docker build -f ./docker/super_docker.Dockerfile -t super ./
  1. Activate the docker container by running: docker run --runtime=nvidia --gpus all -v $(pwd):/workspace/ -v <your-path-to-data>:/data -it super /bin/bash
  • -v $(pwd):/workspace/ mounts the Python-Super working repo under /workspace in the docker container.
  • -v <your-path-to-data>:/data mounts the data storage directory under /data. You need to change <your-path-to-data> to the source path you want to mount.
  1. Verify the container has CUDA support by running nvidia-smi in the docker container. You should see GPU information printed.
  2. Important note. If your GPU doesn't support CUDA Toolkit 12.2, you need to do the following:

Option B: Create the conda environmemt.

  • Creat the conda environment with required packages using the following command:
conda env create -f resources/environment.yaml

Note: This command may take 7 hours due to package confliction.

Run the code


python \
--model_name super_run \
--data_dir [path to data] \
--tracking_gt_file rgb/left_pts.npy \
--load_depth \
--load_valid_mask \
--sf_point_plane --mesh_rot --mesh_arap


  • --model_name: The name of the folder that includes the tracking results.
  • --tracking_gt_file is the file of tracking ground truth for evaluation, this file is usually saved under the same directory as the RGB images.
  • --load_depth is called to load the precomputed depths.
  • We also provide another deep learning depth estimation model RAFT-Stereo. To use it, replace --load_depth with --depth_model raft_stereo --pretrained_depth_checkpoint_dir ./depth/raft_core/weights/raft-pretrained.pth --dilate_invalid_kernel 50.
  • --sf_point_plane: Point-to-plane ICP loss, --mesh_rot: Rot loss, --mesh_arap: As-rigid-as-possible loss.
  • If --use_derived_gradient is set, the quaternions & translations will be optimized with Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm and derived gradient, while if --use_derived_gradient is not used, the quaternions & translations will be optimized with Adam optimizer and PyTorch autograd.
  • Use tensorboard to see tracking records, results, and visualizations.


  • Run Semantic-SuPer:

    • Trial3(SuPerV2-T1):
    python \
    --model_name semantic_super_superv2_trial3 \
    --data_dir /path/to/trial_3 \
    --tracking_gt_file rgb/trial_3_l_pts.npy \
    --mesh_step_size 32 --edge_ids 5 10 11 13 14 17 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \
    --num_layers 50 --pretrained_encoder_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint \
    --depth_model monodepth2_stereo --pretrained_depth_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint --post_process \
    --load_seg --seg_dir seg/DeepLabV3+ \
    --sf_soft_seg_point_plane --mesh_rot --mesh_face --sf_bn_morph --render_loss
    • Trial4(SuPerV2-T2):
    python \
    --model_name semantic_super_superv2_trial4 \
    --data_dir /path/to/trial_4 \
    --tracking_gt_file rgb/trial_4_l_pts.npy \
    --mesh_step_size 32 --edge_ids 1 3 5 6 12 13 14 17 20 22 25 \
    --num_layers 50 --pretrained_encoder_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint \
    --depth_model monodepth2_stereo --pretrained_depth_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint --post_process \
    --load_seg --seg_dir seg/DeepLabV3+ \
    --sf_soft_seg_point_plane --mesh_rot --mesh_face --sf_bn_morph --render_loss
    • Trial8(SuPerV2-T3):
    python \
    --model_name semantic_super_superv2_trial8 \
    --data_dir /path/to/trial_8 \
    --tracking_gt_file rgb/trial_8_l_pts.npy \
    --mesh_step_size 25 --edge_ids 3 6 7 9 11 12 13 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 34 35 36 \
    --num_layers 50 --pretrained_encoder_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint \
    --depth_model monodepth2_stereo --pretrained_depth_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint --post_process \
    --load_seg --seg_dir seg/DeepLabV3+ \
    --sf_soft_seg_point_plane --mesh_rot --mesh_face --sf_bn_morph --render_loss
    • Trial9(SuPerV2-T4):
    python \
    --model_name semantic_super_superv2_trial9 \
    --data_dir /path/to/trial_9 \
    --tracking_gt_file rgb/trial_9_l_pts.npy \
    --mesh_step_size 18 --edge_ids 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 13 17 24 25 29 31 36 37 46 50 51 \
    --num_layers 50 --pretrained_encoder_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint \
    --depth_model monodepth2_stereo --pretrained_depth_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint --post_process \
    --load_seg --seg_dir seg/DeepLabV3+ \
    --sf_soft_seg_point_plane --mesh_rot --mesh_face --sf_bn_morph --render_loss
  • Run SuPer(our baseline):

    • Trial3(SuPerV2-T1):
    python \
    --model_name super_face_superv2_trial3 \
    --method super \
    --data_dir /path/to/trial_3 \
    --tracking_gt_file rgb/trial_3_l_pts.npy \
    --mesh_step_size 32 --edge_ids 5 10 11 13 14 17 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \
    --num_layers 50 --pretrained_encoder_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint \
    --depth_model monodepth2_stereo --pretrained_depth_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint --post_process \
    --sf_point_plane --mesh_rot --mesh_face
    • Trial4(SuPerV2-T2):
    python \
    --model_name super_face_superv2_trial4 \
    --method super \
    --data_dir /path/to/trial_4 \
    --tracking_gt_file rgb/trial_4_l_pts.npy \
    --mesh_step_size 32 --edge_ids 1 3 5 6 12 13 14 17 20 22 25 \
    --num_layers 50 --pretrained_encoder_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint \
    --depth_model monodepth2_stereo --pretrained_depth_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint --post_process \
    --sf_point_plane --mesh_rot --mesh_face
    • Trial8(SuPerV2-T3):
    python \
    --model_name super_face_superv2_trial8 \
    --method super \
    --data_dir /path/to/trial_8 \
    --tracking_gt_file rgb/trial_8_l_pts.npy \
    --mesh_step_size 25 --edge_ids 3 6 7 9 11 12 13 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 34 35 36 \
    --num_layers 50 --pretrained_encoder_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint \
    --depth_model monodepth2_stereo --pretrained_depth_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint --post_process \
    --sf_point_plane --mesh_rot --mesh_face
    • Trial9(SuPerV2-T4):
    python \
    --model_name super_face_superv2_trial9 \
    --method super \
    --data_dir /path/to/trial_9 \
    --tracking_gt_file rgb/trial_9_l_pts.npy \
    --mesh_step_size 18 --edge_ids 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 13 17 24 25 29 31 36 37 46 50 51 \
    --num_layers 50 --pretrained_encoder_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint \
    --depth_model monodepth2_stereo --pretrained_depth_checkpoint_dir /path/to/depth_checkpoint --post_process \
    --sf_point_plane --mesh_rot --mesh_face
  • Semantic-SuPer shares many parameters with SuPer, here we only introduce those that are different from SuPer.
  • --mesh_step_size controls the step size used to initialize mesh grid. "To initialize the ED graph, since the depths vary a lot between trials, instead of using a fixed step size to generate the mesh, we choose the step size for each trial by ensuring the average edge length of the graph is around 5mm."
  • --edge_ids: The ID of labeled points that are considered as edge points. This is used to report the reprojection errors for the edge points.
  • We finetune Monodepth2 on Semantic-SuPer for depth estimation. Both the encoder and decoder code are from their official implementation. Our Monodepth2 checkpoints can be downloaded from here. Involved parameters: --num_layers, --pretrained_encoder_checkpoint_dir, --depth_model, --pretrained_depth_checkpoint_dir, --post_process.
  • We use the Segmentation Models Pytorch (SMP) package to get semantic segmentation masks. --load_seg is called to load the precomputed semantic segmentation maps.
  • --num_classes is the number of semantic classes, the Semantic-SuPer data has three classes: chicken, beef, and surgical tool.
  • --sf_soft_seg_point_plane: Semantic-aware point-to-plane ICP loss, --mesh_face: Face loss, --sf_bn_morph: Semantic-aware morphing loss, --render_loss (not in-use for now): Rendering loss.
  • Ensure that you have the desired segmentation masks ready. You may produce them by modifying and running seg/, using the pretrained checkpoints here. Alternatively, you may train new checkpoints using the ground truths in the folders above and the seg/ script.
  • Use tensorboard to see tracking records, results, and visualizations.

Tune the model.

The tracking performance can be influenced by:

  1. Quality of input data (e.g., the depth map).
  2. --mesh_step_size: Grid step size to initialize the ED graph. --num_neighbors, --num_ED_neighbors: Number of neighboring surfels and ED nodes.
  3. --th_dist, --th_cosine_ang: Thresholds to decide if two surfels could be merged.
  4. --?_weight: Weights for the losses.


  • Reprojection errors:

    • SuPer V1:
    model commit id [depth model]
    Fine-tuned Mono2
    [depth model]
    reproj. error
    super 8a5091c ✔️ - 9.2(13.2)
    super 8a5091c - ✔️ 11.5(16.3)
    • Semantic SuPer Data:
    model commit id [depth model]
    Fine-tuned Mono2
    [depth model]
    reproj. error
    all pts, edge pts
    super 8a5091c ✔️ - ✔️ - - - 8.9, 11.1
    semantic-super 8a5091c ✔️ - ✔️ - - - 6.2, 6.5
    super 8a5091c ✔️ - - ✔️ - - 9.1, 10.6
    semantic-super 8a5091c ✔️ - - ✔️ - - 7.5, 8.6
    super 8a5091c ✔️ - - - ✔️ - 6.7, 7.3
    semantic-super 8a5091c ✔️ - - - ✔️ - 6.1, 6.6
    super 8a5091c ✔️ - - - - ✔️ 4.4, 5.2
    semantic-super 8a5091c ✔️ - - - - ✔️ 4.3, 5.0


The documentation of the code is available here.


[email protected], [email protected]


This project comprises the datasets and Python versions of two codebase: (1) Semantic-SuPer: A Semantic-aware Surgical Perception Framework, and (2) SuPer: A Surgical Perception Framework for Endoscopic Tissue Manipulation.






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