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Repository containing code to analyse microCT dataset of the rat uterus


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Uterine $\mu$CT analysis

This repository contains code to analyse $\mu$CT datasets of rat uteri and used for the paper Three-dimensional virtual histology of the rat uterus musculature using micro-computed tomography

Table of contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Workflow
  3. Data folder structure
  4. Usage
    1. Setup
    2. Resampling
    3. Segmentation
      1. MATLAB segmentation
      2. UNet segmentation
      3. Format conversion
    4. Analysis
      1. Thickness analysis
      2. Fibre analysis
      3. Mesh generation
    5. Visualisation
  5. Estrus comparison
  6. Testing
  7. Data availability


The code was run on Linux Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
The code was developed in MATLAB version 2022a and Python version 3.10.6
The visualisation was done in cmgui
The MATLAB code requires the Image Processing Toolbox package.
The required packages for Python are found in requirements.txt
This project uses TOML files for configuration.


The following diagram presents the workflow of the project:

graph LR
microCT images")] --> B(Downsampling)
B --> C(Segmentation)
C --> D(Reorientation)
D --> E(Thickness analysis)
C --> F(Mesh generation)
C --> G("Upsampling (optional)")
G --> H(Fibre analysis)
F --> I((Visualisation))
E --> I
H --> I

Data folder structure

The folders that contain the data are structured in the following way:

├── AWA015_PTA_1_Rec_Trans
|   ├── AWA015_PTA_1_Rec_Trans.toml
│   └── downsampled
│       ├── AWA015_PTA_1_Rec_Trans_downsampled.toml
│       ├── muscle_segmentation
│       │   ├── left
│       │   └── right
│       └── ST
│           ├── binary
│           ├── extrapolated
│           ├── mask
│           └── masked
├── muscle_segmentation
└── ST
    ├── binary
    ├── extrapolated
    ├── mask
    └── masked

Configuration files should have the same name as the dataset and be placed in the data folders.
There is one configuration file for the main dataset (AWA015_PTA_1_Rec_Trans.toml) and one for the downsampled dataset (AWA015_PTA_1_Rec_Trans_downsampled.toml). Example of the configuration files used in this project are placed in the config folder.


The code is split into two folders, the MATLAB folder contains the code used in MATLAB and the python folder the code used in Python


First clone the project into uterine-microCT and enter the new directory:

$ git clone [email protected]/virtual-uterus/uterine-microCT.git

It is recommended to create a virtual environment in which to run the code. Create a virtual environment and activate it:

$ python3 -m venv ~/venv/microCT-env
$ source ~/venv/microCT-env/bin/activate

Install the Python package with the following commands:

$ cd /path/to/uterine-microCT
$ pip3 install -e .

To setup the MATLAB code, in MATLAB, add the code folder and subfolders to the MATLAB search path.

The subfolders of the data folder are not automatically generated; thus, they have to be created beforehand following the structure presented in the previous section.

The MATLAB and Python scripts use a base directory which is the path to the uterine-microCT folder from $HOME. The default path is Documents/phd. The base directory can be changed for the MATLAB scripts by editing the baseDir.m function in the code/MATLAB/utils folder and for the Python scripts by editing the BASE variable in the file in the code/python/thickness folder.


The image of the original $\mu$CT dataset can be downsampled using the downsampleMicroCTDataset.m script located in the m_scripts folder. The numbers of the first and last images to be downsampled are specified in the configuration file. The downsampled images will be saved in the downsampled folder.

The images can either be downsampled by a given factor (less than 1), or the new resolutions for each axis can be provided as a 3D vector [x y z]. To upsample the images use a factor greater than 1.

Similarly, the segmentation masks can be upsampled with the upsampleMicroCTDatasetSegmentation.m script located in the m_scripts folder. The masks are loaded from one of the segmentation folders and saved in the top-level muscle_segmentation folder.


MATLAB segmentation

The image of the downsampled or original dataset can be segmented with the segmentMicroCTDataset.m script located in the m_scripts folder. There are four types of segmentation possible: fat, tissue, shape, and muscle. The segmentation masks are saved in different folders depending on the chosen type. For example, the muscle segmentation masks will be saved in the muscle_segmentation folder, and the tissue segmentation masks will be saved in the tissue_segmentation folder. The parameters for the segmentation script are set in the configuration file.

UNet segmentation

The images can be segmented using a UNet deep neural network as well. Information about the model as well as the containers and training weights are freely available here. The model uses the code from GitHub user Karol Żak. The code is available under the MIT license and can be found here.

NOTE: The scripts for running inference and training are placed in the unet-segmentation folder.

NOTE: The UNet only work on the downsampled images and require the downsampled folder to be created to be used.


The training images should be placed in a specific folder with an imgs folder containing the $mu$CT images an a masks folder containing the training masks. The images should be 512 x 512 pixels.

The script is used to resize images to be 512 x 512 pixels by splitting images into blocks of 512 x 512 pixels. If they are smaller than the required dimensions, they are simply padded with 0s. The script creates a folder called imgs, if it does not already exist, to save the resized images in. To see the arguments and options of the script, use the --help flag:

python3 --help

The script trains the network using the images in the training folder. The images and masks are read from the imgs and masks folder inside the training folder. The model is saved as unet-model_vX.h5 and the weights are saved as unet-weights_vX.keras, where X is replaced with the value for the version argument of the script. To see the arguments and options of the script, use the --help flag:

python3 --help

The script segments a dataset using a trained model. The images should be 512 x 512 pixels and placed in the imgs folder of the dataset directory. The segmentation masks are saved in the masks folder of that directory. If that folder does not exist, the script will create it. To see the arguments and options of the script, use the --help flag:

python3 --help

The segmentation masks will be 512 x 512 images. The script is used to stitch the image blocks back into their original dimensions. The script will read the images placed in the masks folder and can therefore be used immediately after the script. The stitched images are saved in the stitched folder of that directory. If that folder does not exist, the script will create it. To see the arguments and options of the script, use the --help flag:

python3 --help

Format conversion

The segmentation masks and $\mu$CT images can be converted to a NIfTI archive with the script located in the p_scripts folder. To see the arguments and options of the script, use the --help flag:

python3 --help

The NIfTI archive can be read by software such as ITK-SNAP to edit the segmentation masks. The edited masks can be exported with the readNiftiSegmentation.m script located in the utils folder. This script requires that the $\mu$CT images and the segmentations be located in the same folder.


The analysis requires muscle segmentation masks.

Thickness analysis

If the $\mu$CT images do not slice the uterine horns perpendicularly, the segmentation masks can be reoriented to align each horn with the z-axis. The uCTRotation.m script located in the m_scripts folder rotates the left and right horns. The rotated images of each horn are saved in their respective folders. The number of the first and last images to be rotated can be chosen in the configuration file in case some slices are already aligned with the z-axis. The uCTCentreline.m must be run on the segmentation masks before trying to rotate them.

For example, if the muscle layers have been segmented for a dataset and saved in the muscle_segmentation folder, use the uCTCentreline.m script with region "both" to compute the centreline of the segmentation masks.

Before calculating the muscle wall thickness, the centreline of each horn must be computed with the uCTCenterline.m script located in the m_scripts folder. The region argument determines which segmentation masks are loaded. If "left", "right", or ["left", "right"] are specified, the rotated masks located in either the left or right folder are used. If "both" is specified, the non-rotated segmentation masks are used. The centreline of the non-rotated segmentation masks is required for the calculation of the horn length.

Once the centrelines are generated, the analysis can be performed with the script located in the p_scripts folder. To see the arguments and options of the script, use the --help flag:

python3 --help

The average thickness, the average radius, and the length of each horn will be displayed on the terminal. Only the slices after the horns are separated are considered in the calculations but all values are saved in a .pkl file. The plot of the thickness variations and the plots of the angular thickness of the 4 slices selected in the configuration file will be displayed. The angular and average thicknesses will be saved in the muscle_segmentation folder.

If only a small number of slices are used, with histology for example, the analysis can be performed with the script located in the p_scripts folder. To see the arguments and options of the script, use the --help flag:

python3 --help

Only the plots of the angular thickness of the 4 slices selected in the configuration file will be displayed. The angular thicknesses will be saved in the muscle_segmentation folder.

Fibre analysis

The muscle fibres can be extracted from the muscle segmentation masks. The STPipeline.m script located in the m_scripts folder finds the fibres using structure tensors. This script requires that the segmentation masks and the masked uCT images be placed in the ST/mask and ST/masked folders, respectively. The masks can be applied either by specifying the paths to the masks in the loadImageStack.m function located in the utils folder or with the readNiftiSegmentation.m function. They can then be saved with the saveImageStack.m function located in the utils folder.

The fibres will be annotated based on the angle relative to the centreline of each horn found in the centreline.mat file created with the uCTCentreline.m script. If no centreline is provided, the slices are assumed to be aligned with the z-axis and the fibres are annotated based on the angle relative to the vector [0 0 1].

The STPipeline.m script will generate .exnode and .exelem files that can be visualised in cmgui. Additionally, ortho files can be generated if the ortho flag is set to true. The MESH_elements.ortho is used for simulations in Chaste, the MESH_points.ortho is used for visualisation in Paraview (see the symmesh repository for more information). The parameters for the script can be set in the configuration file.

This code was written by Mark Trew.


To visualise the fibres in Cmgui, com files are located in the com folder.
Below is an example of a figure generated for the article using the (A) and the (B) com files, which shows the fibres found in the uterus and in a smaller section of the uterus located near the ovaries.

alt text

Estrus comparison

The results in the different stages of the estrus cycle can be compared using the script. To see the arguments and options of the script, use the --help flag:

python3 --help

The results are normalised by the weight of the animal (in mg) and then plotted. Below is an example of the estrus comparison results of the muscle thickness (A) and the horn radius (B).

alt text


Some scripts have been written to test certain functions of the workflow and are located in the code/tests folder.

The data used for the tests is found in the data/tests folder. An example of the structure is presented below:

└── tests
    └── AWA015
        └── muscle_segmentation
            ├── left_horn_test_mask.png
            ├── right_horn_test_mask.png
            └── centreline.mat

The tests are piloted by the test.toml configuration file, which can be found in the config folder. The fields in the test.toml are as follows:

  • sets, which is a list of the names of the folder contained in the data/tests folder on which the tests should be run.
  • horn, which is the horn to process for the first and second image respectfully. For example, if horn is ["left", "right"], the left side of the first image and the right side of the second image will be processed.
  • nb_points, the number of projection points to use when the test requires this value.

To add new datasets to test, create a similar structure as shown above and edit the sets field of the configuration file. As of now, only two images per dataset are processed.

Data availability

The $\mu$CT dataset used and the UNet model weights are available here.