Releases: Puresyn/KeyMaster
Releases · Puresyn/KeyMaster
Key Master v1.4.3
- Fixed Motherlode portal for horde characters (thanks to snaysix on github for catching this).
Known Bugs/Issues:
- A player's vault display may not update immediately. Changing tabs should correct the display if inaccurate.
Key Master v1.4.2
- Added simplified Chinese translations for S2 dungeons. (Thanks vj234013 on github)
- Updated DE localization
- Fixed score calulations for TWW S2 (special thanks to OMGTotem)
- Fixed chest ++ calculation for dungeons since the 90s addition to dungeon timers is gone.
- Fixed portal spell ids for Motherlode and Operation: Floodgate dungeons. (Thanks snaysix on github)
Known Bugs/Issues:
- A player's vault display may not update immediately. Changing tabs should correct the display if inaccurate.
Release 1.4.0
Key Master v1.4.0
- Updated to interface version 11.1
- Added spell portal ids for new dungeons in TWW S2.
- Added new TWW S2 dungeon names and abbreviations in for US localization.
- Added new TWW S2 dungeon names and abbreviations for IT localization.
- Added new TWW S2 dungeon names and abbreviations for RU localization.
- Added new TWW S2 dungeon names and abbreviations for FR localization.
- Added new TWW S2 dungeon names and abbreviations for TWW localization.
- Added new TWW S2 dungeon names and abbreviations for DE localization.
- Added new TWW S2 dungeon names and abbreviations for ptBR localization.
- Added new TWW S2 dungeon names and abbreviations for KR localization.
- None
Known Bugs/Issues:
- A player's vault display may not update immediately. Changing tabs should correct the display if inaccurate.
Key Master v1.3.7
- None
- Fixed an error with Simplified Chinese that stoped KM from loading.
- Fixed miscalculations with IO and chest levels (+1, +2, +3) for dungeon runs due to addition of 90s to level 7 affix.
Known Bugs/Issues:
- A player's vault display may not update immediately. Changing tabs should correct the display if inaccurate.
Key Master v1.3.5
- Added a dungeon tools buttons row on the Player frame that simplifies access to WoW features and other addons:
Open the dungeon journal to the selected dungeon.
Open the instance map of the selected dungeon.
Open the group finder window.
Open Mythic Dungeon Tools (MDT) (if installed).
Portal to selected dungeon if unlocked and not on cooldown.
- Moved weekly affixes back into the header frame.
- Added affix tooltip functionality.
- Rearranged the Player frame to be more conducive to the new M+ rating system.
- Changed rating calculator functionality to now keep the key level entered and re-calculate automatically for each map row being selected.
- Updated some vault graphics (more updates to come).
- Disabled rating pending verification system message.
- Temporarily disabled Russian translation due to lack of translator participation. (See us if interested!)
- Updated a few dungeon name abbreviations to better separate meaning.
- None
Know Bugs/Issues:
- A player's vault display may not update immediately. Changing tabs should correct the display if inaccurate.
Key Master v1.3.0-3
HOTFIX 1.3.3
- Fixed French clients having problems loading Key Master.
HOTFIX 1.3.1
- Fixed an error for new users of keymaster that would cause Key Master not to load properly.
Fixes (1.3.0):
- Fixed lua error when joining a party with someone that has a newer version of Key Master.
- Due to drastic API changes - all character data is reset/removed on first load of 1.3.0. Log into each character to refresh.
- Changed data structure since mythic plus data no longer is kept by tran/fort criteria.
- Remapped UI elements on player and party frame to use newly created data structure.
- Added backward compatibility check to 1.2.5 and older to ignore data since structures are different.
- Changed player and party data frames to update when an score gained event happens from a mythic plus dungeon.
- Updated rating calculator on player frame for the new mythic plus rating system (Big thanks to OMGTOTEM's contribution!).
- Temporality changed the player frame to a new layout since tyran/fort is no longer a thing.
- Adjusted the "What's New" content for easier readability.
Known Bugs/Issues:
- Party members running an older version of KM may experience LUA errors when grouped with someone running 1.3.0 or greater. Ask them to update!