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Config File Parameters

brindza edited this page Nov 5, 2011 · 28 revisions

We use a configuration file to make changing between robots and location specific parameters easy. The configuration file loaded by the code is whatever file is named Player/Config/Config.lua. Normally we use a soft link to set the configuration file to one of the configurations we have.

For example, to set the config file to the Nao Webots one:

ln -s Config_Webots.lua Config.lua

The parameters are just table values contained in the Lua module.

Split Config Files

As the project has grown in size so has the number of configuration parameters. Keeping all the parameters in one file can become unwieldy. We provide a method for splitting up the complete configuration between multiple files.

The loadconfig function will load the parameters from another config file into the current one:

function loadconfig(configName)
  local localConfig=require(configName);
  for k,v in pairs(localConfig) do


This is also beneficial for sharing sets of parameters between two different configurations without having to keep two copies. (e.g. the Config_Nao_World.lua configuration is used by both the Webots Nao code and the actual Nao robot code)


NOTE: any parameter types that have a superscript (e.g. arrayspecial ) are tables or arrays that have a special format. You can find a description of these formats in the next section.

Table Table Overview
Parameter Key Type Description
platform Name of the current running robot platform.
name string Name of the robot platform. (e.g. 'nao', 'op', 'webots')
dev Names of the platform dependent device interfaces.
body string Name of the platform dependent Body module.
camera string Name of the platform dependent Camera module.
kinematics string Name of the platform dependent Kinematics module.
comm string Name of the platform dependent Comm module.
monitor_comm string Name of the platform dependent MonitorComm module.
game_control string Name of the platform dependent GameControl module.
walk string Name of the platform dependent walk module.
kick string Name of the platform dependent kick module.
game Parameters relevant to the game including player id and team number.
teamNumber int Robot's team number.
playerID int Robot's player ID. Used by team coordination.
robotID int Robot's robot ID.
teamColor int Default team color (1/0).
nPlayers int Number of players on each team.
fsm Names of the finite state machines to use.
game string Name of the GameFSM to run.
body array Array of possible BodyFSM names to use.
head array Array of possible HeadFSM names to use.
camera Physical camera parameters including focal length, image size and camera settings.
ncamera int Number of cameras on the robot.
switchFreq int Frequency to switch between the cameras in auto switch mode. Will switch every switchFreq images.
width int Width of the raw YUYV image in pixels.
height int Height of the raw YUYV image in pixels.
x_center int Horizontal center of the raw YUYV image in pixels.
y_center int Vertical center of the raw YUYV image in pixels.
focal_length int Focal length of the camera in pixels.
focal_base int Width, in pixels, of the image size used in the focal length calculation..
auto_param tablecam_param Array of camera parameter tables. These should be the parameters for any auto settings for the camera (auto exposure, auto gain, etc.). These parameters are set before those in the param array.
param tablecam_param Array of camera parameter tables. The array should contain all other available parameters not specified in the auto_param array.These parameters are set after those in the auto_param array.
lut_file string Name of the look up table to use for color classification.
vision Parameters relevant to the Vision system.
maxFPS int Maximum frame rate to allow the Vision algorithms to run at. Allows the user to throttle the vision process if it is taking up too much CPU.
scaleB int Size, in pixels, to scale the labeled image in the bit-or process.
ball_diameter float Diameter of the ball in meters.
ball_height_max float Maximum height we expect to detect the ball, in the robots Head frame.
check_for_ground int Flag to indicate that the ball detector should use the ground check.
yellow_goal_count_thres int Yellow pixel threshold to run the yellow goal detection. If there are less than this number of yellow pixels in the image the yellow goal detection is skipped.
enable_line_detection int Flag to indicate if the line detection should be run.
enable_spot_detection int Flag to indicate if the spot detection should be run.
enable_midfield_landmark_detection int Flag to indicate if the midfield landmark detection should be run. (used in the NSL)
copy_image_to_shm int Flag to enable copying the images to shared memory for debuggging.
store_all_images int Flag to indicate that all images should be copied to shared memory.
store_goal_detections int Flag to indicate that images where a goal was detected should be copied to shared memory.
store_ball_detections int Flag to indicate that images where a ball was detected should be copied to shared memory.
ballColor int The label color of the ball.
goal1Color int The label color of the first goal. (Should be consistent with the goal order in the world configuration)
goal2Color int The label color of the second goal. (Should be consistent with the goal order in the _world_ configuration)
world Localization parameters and landmark positions.
n int Number of particles to use in the particle filter.
xLineBoundary float Distance to the x-axis boundary from the center.
yLineBoundary float Distance to the y-axis boundary from the center.
xMax float Maximum valid distance the robot can be along the x-axis, from the center.
yMax float Maximum valid distance the robot can be along the y-axis, from the center.
goalWidth float Width of the goal (post center to center).
postYellow array Position of each yellow post in the world
postCyan array Position of each cyan post in the world
spot array Position of each spot in the world
landmarkCyan array Position of the cyan landmark in the world.
landmarkYellow array Position of the yellow landmark in the world.
cResample int Interval to resample the particle filter.
odomScale array Scaling factor of the odometry estimates. `{x, y, a}`
rGoalFilter float Radius weight to use for goal detections in the particle filter.
aGoalFilter float Angle weight to use for goal detections in the particle filter.
rPostFilter float Radius weight to use for post detections in the particle filter.
aPostFilter float Angle weight to use for post detections in the particle filter.
team Team coordination parameters.
msgTimeout float Timeout to use for determining if we have lost communication with a robot.
nonAttackerPenalty float Penalty, in seconds, to give to robots that are not the current attacker in determing roles.
nonDefenderPenalty float Penalty, in meters, to give to robots that are not the current defender in determing roles.
head Head parameters including camera positions and neck limits.
camOffsetZ float TODO
pitchMin float Min pitch of the neck, in radians
pitchMax float Max pitch of the neck, in radians
yawMin float Min yaw of the neck, in radians
yawMax float Max yaw of the neck, in radians
cameraPos arraycam_pos TODO
cameraAngle arraycam_angle TODO
neckX float Distance from the robot center of mass to the neck joint along the robot x-axis.
neckZ float Distance from the robot center of mass to the neck joint along the robot z-axis.
bodyTilt float Normal tilt of the robot while standing, in radians.
km Names of keyframe files.
kick_right string Filename of the right kick keyframe.
kick_left string Filename of the left kick keyframe.
standup_front string Filename of the standup from front keyframe.
standup_back string Filename of the standup from back keyframe.
sit Parameters relevant to the sit module.
bodyHeight float Target body height for the robot to sit to, in meters.
supportX float The distance the ankles rest behind the torso, in meters.
dpLimit array The max speed at which the torso can move in meters/second.
stance Parameters relevant to the stance module.
dpLimit array The max speed at which the torso can move in meters/second.
delay float Amount of time, in milliseconds, to stand still after standing to regain balance.
kick Parameters relevant to the IK kick engine module.
tSensorDelay float The delay between sending an actuator command and sensing the movement.
torsoSensorParamX array The gain for join encoder feedback in the x direction.
torsoSensorParamY array The gain for join encoder feedback in the y direction.
gyroFactor float Ratio to normalize gyro gains into units of degree/second
ankleImuParamX array This is used to apply torque in the X-direction from the ankles.
kneeImuParamX array This is used to apply torque in the X-direction from the knees.
ankleImuParamY array This is used to apply torque in the y-direction on the ankles.
hipImuParamY array This is used to apply torque in the y-direction on the hip.
armImuParamX array Gain in x direction for using arms to stabilize.
armImuParamY array Gain in y direction for using arms to stabilize.
qLArm array Kick arm pose for left arm
qRArm array Kick arm pose for right arm
armGain float Controls amount of arm swinging during kick. Smaller value = larger swing.
supportCompL array Change in (x,y,z) coordinates of left foot from calculated position for better stabilization during kick.
supportCompR array Change in (x,y,z) coordinates of right foot from calculated position for better stabilization during kick.
kickLeft array Kick states for left-forward kick.
kickRight array Kick states for right-forward kick.
kickSideLeft array Kick states for left-side kick.
kickSideRight array Kick states for right-side kick.
walk Parameters relevant to the ZMP walk engine module.
tStep float The tStep defines how long it will take for a robot to take its next step, in seconds.
bodyHeight float The body height of the robot, in meters; changing this will alter how high the robot's natural stance is.
stepHeight float The height to which the robot raises its foot at each step. This parameter is very sensitive in terms of balance.
footY float The width of the robot's rest stance in meters.
supportX float The distance the ankles rest behind the torso, in meters.
supportY float How far from the center of the foot the center of mass is placed during each step.
phSingle array The ratio of double support time: single support time (standing on two feet vs. balancing on one foot).
maxX array {min, max} walk velocity (m/s) in the x-axis of the robot, in the robot frame.
maxY array {min, max} walk velocity (m/s) in the y-axis of the robot, in the robot frame.
maxZ array {min, max} walk velocity (m/s) in the z-axis of the robot, in the robot frame.
delay float The amount of seconds to delay walking after standing from fall.
ankleImuParamX arraygyro_stab This is used to apply torque in the X-direction from the ankles.
kneeImuParamX arraygyro_stab This is used to apply torque in the X-direction from the knees.
ankleImuParamY arraygyro_stab This is used to apply torque in the y-direction on the ankles.
hipImuParamY arraygyro_stab This is used to apply torque in the y-direction on the hip.
imuOn bool Flag to enable/disable the gyro based stabilization.
fsrOn bool Flag to enable/disable the foot sensor based stabilization.
jointFeedbackOn bool Flag to enable/disable the joint encoder based feedback.

Special Parameter Formats

Param Type Decription
tablecam_param A cam_param table is an array of tables that have two entries: key and val. Where key is the string name of the camera parameter and val is the value to set. The following is a simple example of a cam_param table to set the camera brightness and gain:
cam_param = {{key='brightness', val=100}, {key='gain', val=64}};
arraycam_pos The cam_pos parameter is an array of position vectors, {x, y, z}, indicating the position of the camera.
arraycam_angle The cam_angle parameter is an array of Euler angles, {x, y, z}, indicating the rotation of the camera.
arraygyro_stab The gyro_stab, gyro stability, parameter format is an array with the following format: {alpha, gain, xxx, deadband}
  • alpha - Alters how quickly the torque is applied in response to perturbation.
  • gain - Alters how much torque is applied in response to perturbation.
  • xxx - TODO
  • deadband - Defines the range of values that will not be considered as perturbation.


The following is an example of a complete Config file:

module(..., package.seeall);


-- Color Label Indexes
color = {}; = 1;
color.yellow = 2;
color.cyan = 4;
color.field = 8;
color.white = 16;

-- Platform Parameters
platform = {}; = 'nao'

-- Devive Interface Libraries
dev = {};
dev.body = 'NaoBody'; = 'NaoCam';
dev.kinematics = 'NaoKinematics';
dev.comm = 'NaoComm';
dev.monitor_comm = 'NaoMonitorComm';
dev.game_control = 'NaoGameControl';
dev.walk = 'NaoWalk';
dev.kick = 'NaoKick';

-- Game Parameters
game = {};
game.teamNumber = 26;
game.playerID = parse_hostname.get_player_id();
game.robotID = game.playerID;
game.teamColor = parse_hostname.get_team_color();
game.nPlayers = 4;

-- FSM Parameters
fsm = {}; = 'RoboCup';
if (game.playerID == 1) then
  fsm.body = {'NaoGoalie'};
  fsm.head = {'NaoGoalie'};
  fsm.body = {'NaoDribble'};
  fsm.head = {'NaoPlayer'};

-- Team Parameters
team = {};
team.msgTimeout = 5.0;
team.nonAttackerPenalty = 6.0;
team.nonDefenderPenalty = 0.5;

--Head Parameters
head = {};
head.camOffsetZ = 0.41;
head.pitchMin = -35*math.pi/180;
head.pitchMax = 30*math.pi/180;
head.yawMin = -120*math.pi/180;
head.yawMax = 120*math.pi/180;
head.cameraPos = {{0.05390, 0.0, 0.06790},
                  {0.04880, 0.0, 0.02381}}; 
head.cameraAngle = {{0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
                    {0.0, 40*math.pi/180, 0.0}};
head.neckZ = 0.14;
head.neckX = 0;  
head.bodyTilt = 0;

-- Keyframe Files
km = {};
km.kick_right = 'km_Nao_KickForwardRight.lua';
km.kick_left = 'km_Nao_KickForwardLeft.lua';
km.standup_front = 'km_Nao_StandupFromFrontFaster.lua';
km.standup_back = 'km_Nao_StandupFromBackFasterNew.lua';

-- Sitting Parameters
sit = {};
sit.bodyHeight = 0.22;
sit.supportX = 0;
sit.dpLimit ={.1,.01,.03,.1,.3,.1});

-- Standing Parameters
stance = {};
stance.dpLimit ={.04, .03, .04, .05, .4, .1});
stance.delay = 80;

-- Camera Parameters
camera = {};
camera.ncamera = 2;
camera.switchFreq = 5;
camera.width = 320;
camera.height = 240;
camera.x_center = 160;
camera.y_center = 120;
camera.focal_length = 383;
camera.focal_base = 320;
camera.auto_param = {};
camera.auto_param[1] = {key='auto_exposure',      val={0, 0}};
camera.auto_param[2] = {key='auto_white_balance', val={0, 0}};
camera.auto_param[3] = {key='autogain',           val={0, 0}};
camera.param = {};
camera.param[1] = {key='exposure',      val={150, 150}};
camera.param[2] = {key='gain',          val={113, 113}};
camera.param[3] = {key='brightness',    val={89, 89}};
camera.param[4] = {key='contrast',      val={64, 64}};
camera.param[5] = {key='saturation',    val={215, 215}};
camera.param[6] = {key='red_balance',   val={67, 67}};
camera.param[7] = {key='blue_balance',  val={160, 160}};
camera.param[8] = {key='hue',           val={0, 0}};
camera.lut_file = 'lut_grasp_green_lines.raw';

-- Vision Parameters
vision = {};
vision.maxFPS = 30;
vision.scaleB = 4;
vision.ball_diameter = 0.065;
vision.ball_height_max = -0.20;
vision.yellow_goal_count_thres = 150;
vision.enable_line_detection = 1;
vision.enable_spot_detection = 0;
vision.enable_midfield_landmark_detection = 0;
vision.enable_velocity_detection = 0;
vision.copy_image_to_shm = 1;
vision.store_all_images = 1;
vision.store_goal_detections = 0;
vision.store_ball_detections = 0;
vision.check_for_ground = 1;
vision.use_point_goal = 0;
vision.ballColor =;
vision.goal1Color = color.yellow;
vision.goal2Color = color.cyan;

-- World Parameters 
world = {};
world.n = 100;
world.xLineBoundary = 3.0;
world.yLineBoundary = 2.0;
world.xMax = 3.2;
world.yMax = 2.2;
world.goalWidth = 1.40;
world.ballYellow= {{3.0,0.0}};
world.ballCyan= {{-3.0,0.0}};
world.postYellow = {};
world.postYellow[1] = {3.0, 0.70};
world.postYellow[2] = {3.0, -0.70};
world.postCyan = {};
world.postCyan[1] = {-3.0, -0.70};
world.postCyan[2] = {-3.0, 0.70}; = {};[1] = {-1.20, 0};[2] = {1.20, 0};
world.landmarkCyan = {0.0, -2.4};
world.landmarkYellow = {0.0, 2.4};
world.cResample = 10;
world.odomScale = {1.06, 1.0, 0.97};
world.rGoalFilter = 0.02;
world.aGoalFilter = 0.05;
world.rPostFilter = 0.02;
world.aPostFilter = 0.20;

-- Walk Parameters
walk = {};
walk.tStep = 0.45;
walk.tZmp = 0.17;
walk.bodyHeight = 0.31;
walk.stepHeight = 0.018;
walk.footY = 0.0475;
walk.supportX = 0.020;
walk.supportY = 0.003;
walk.hipPitchCompensation = 0;
walk.anklePitchCompensation = -3*math.pi/180;
walk.anklePitchComp = {0, 0};
walk.tSensorDelay = 0.035;
walk.torsoSensorGainX = 0.0;
walk.torsoSensorGainY = 0.01;
walk.phSingle = {0.16, 0.84};
walk.maxX = {-.06, .06};
walk.maxY = {-.045, .045};
walk.maxZ = {-.3, .3};
walk.fsr_threshold = 0.3;
walk.tDelayBalance = .6;
walk.gyroFactor = 0.001;
walk.ankleImuParamX = {0.15, -0.40*walk.gyroFactor, 1*math.pi/180, 5*math.pi/180};
walk.kneeImuParamX = {0.1, -0.3*walk.gyroFactor, .5*math.pi/180, 5*math.pi/180};
walk.ankleImuParamY = {0.10, -2.5*walk.gyroFactor, .5*math.pi/180, 5*math.pi/180};
walk.hipImuParamY = {0.1, -0.3*walk.gyroFactor, .5*math.pi/180, 5*math.pi/180};
walk.delay = 2;
walk.imuOn = true;
walk.fsrOn = true;
walk.jointFeedbackOn = false;
walk.qLArm = math.pi/180*{105, 12, -85, -30});
walk.qRArm = math.pi/180*{105, -12, 85, 30});

-- Kick Parameters
kick.tSensorDelay = 0.10;
kick.torsoSensorParamX = {1-math.exp(-.010/0.2), 0} 
kick.torsoSensorParamY = {1-math.exp(-.010/0.2), 0}
gyroFactor = 0.001;
kick.ankleImuParamX = {0.1, -0.3*gyroFactor, 1*math.pi/180, 5*math.pi/180};
kick.kneeImuParamX  = {0.1, -0.4*gyroFactor, .5*math.pi/180, 5*math.pi/180};
kick.ankleImuParamY = {0.1, -0.7*gyroFactor, .5*math.pi/180, 5*math.pi/180};
kick.hipImuParamY   = {0.1, -0.3*gyroFactor, .5*math.pi/180, 5*math.pi/180};
kick.armImuParamX   = {0.0, -10*gyroFactor, 20*math.pi/180, 45*math.pi/180};
kick.armImuParamY   = {0.0, -10*gyroFactor, 20*math.pi/180, 45*math.pi/180};
kick.qLArm = math.pi/180*{105, 20, -85, -30});
kick.qRArm = math.pi/180*{105, -20, 85, 30});
kick.armGain = 0.20;
kick.supportCompL ={0, 0, 0}); 
kick.supportCompR ={0, 0, 0} ); 
kick.kickLeft = { {1, 0.6, {0,0,0}}, --Stabilize
                  {1, 0.6, {0,-0.06,0}}, --COM slide
                  {2, 0.3, {0,-0.06,0}, {-0.07,-0.03,0}, 0.07, 20*math.pi/180}, --Lifting
                  {4, 0.3, {0,-0.06,0}, {0.20,0,0}, 0.04, -10*math.pi/180}, --Kicking
                  {2, 0.6, {0,-0.06,0}, {-0.13,0.03,0}, 0, 0}, --Landing
                  {1, 0.6, {0.00,-0.0, 0}}, --COM slide
                  {1, 0.6, {0.00,-0.0, 0}}} --Stabilize
kick.kickRight = {{1, 0.6, {0,0,0}}, --Stabilize
                  {1, 0.6, {0,0.060,0}}, --COM slide
                  {3, 0.3, {0,0.060,0}, {-0.07,0.03,0}, 0.07, 20*math.pi/180}, --Lifting
                  {5, 0.3, {0,0.060,0}, {0.20,0,0},  0.04, -10*math.pi/180}, --Kicking
                  {3, 0.6, {0,0.060,0}, {-0.13,-0.03,0}, 0, 0}, --Landing
                  {1, 0.6, {0.00, 0.0, 0}}, --COM slide
                  {1, 0.6, {0.00, 0.0, 0}}} --Stabilize
kick.kickSideLeft = { {1, 1, {0,0,0}}, --Stabilize
                      {1, 0.6, {0,-0.06,0}}, --COM slide
                      {2, 0.6, {0,-0.06,0}, {-0.07,-0.03,0}, 0.07, 20*math.pi/180}, --Lifting
                      {4, 0.3, {0,-0.06,0}, {0.20,0,0},  0.04, -10*math.pi/180}, --Kicking
                      {2, 0.6, {0,-0.06,0}, {-0.07,0.030,0}, 0, 0}, --Landing
                      {1, 0.6, {0.03,0, 0}}, --COM slide
                      {1, 0.6, {0.03,0, 0}}} --Stabilize
kick.kickSideRight = {{1, 1, {0,0,0}}, --Stabilize
                      {1, 0.6, {0,0.060,0}}, --COM slide
                      {3, 0.6, {0,0.060,0}, {-0.07,0.03,0}, 0.07, 20*math.pi/180}, --Lifting
                      {5, 0.3, {0,0.060,0}, {0.20,0,0},  0.04, -10*math.pi/180}, --Kicking
                      {3, 0.6, {0,0.060,0}, {-0.07,-0.030,0}, 0, 0}, --Landing
                      {1, 0.6, {0.03, 0, 0}}, --COM slide
                      {1, 0.6, {0.03, 0, 0}}} --Stabilize
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