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Alex Baucom edited this page Mar 20, 2017 · 13 revisions

The monitor is one of most useful tools for visualizing and understanding what the robot is seeing and doing.

We currently have 3 different monitoring programs that can be used.

Individual Monitor

This monitor shows detailed information about what a single player is seeing and doing. It provides color segmented images, visual detection overlays, localization information, and lots of debug printouts. It must be run while plugged into the robot via Ethernet. It also requires that you have MATLAB installed and setup properly.

To run the monitor:

  • Open 3 terminal windows. In the first one, ssh to the robot via Ethernet
  • On the robot cd UPennDev/Player and then ./game to start the main processes
  • In the second terminal (on your own computer) cd UPennDev/Player and then lua listen_monitor.lua to run the listen monitor script. This lets you computer listen to information that the robot is broadcasting.
  • Go back to the first terminal (on the robot) and connect to the arb screen with screen -r arb and then press g. The screen will print something along the lines of "Boradcast: 1XXXms/XXXHz" and the second terminal should start printing lines similar to "full yuyv 31.1234 fps". This means that your computer is now receiving information from the robot.
  • In the third terminal, cd UPennDev/Tools/Matlab and start matlab with matlab -nodesktop -nosplash
  • Once MATLAB opens in the terminal, run startup and then MonitorOld. After a few seconds the monitor GUI should launch and display lots of useful information!

Team Monitor

This monitor shows information from all of the team members that are currently running and can be run wirelessly. It shows very downsampled images from each player, localization information, ball information, and player roles. It also requires that you have MATLAB installed and setup properly.

To run this monitor:

  • Ensure the robot(s) you want to visualize are running the main code (./game main) and ensure that your laptop is connected to the robocup network
  • Open two terminals
  • In the first one cd UPennDev/Player and then luajit listen_team_monitor.lua
  • You should automatically see messages incoming to your laptop as the main game code starts the wireless broadcast automatically.
  • In the second one, cd UPennDev/Tools/Matlab and start matlab with matlab -nodesktop -nosplash
  • Once MATLAB opens in the terminal, run startup and then MonitorTeam. After a few seconds the monitor GUI should launch and display lots of useful information!

Team Communication Monitor

This monitor is provided by BHuman and can be used to visualize any messages sent with the SPL standard packet (which we conform to). The advantage of this monitor is that it only requires java to run and not MATLAB so it is a good option if you are having trouble getting MATLAB setup.

To run this monitor:

  • Ensure the robot(s) you want to visualize are running the main code (./game main) and ensure that your laptop is connected to the robocup network
  • Open a terminal and cd UPennDev/Tools/GameController2016
  • Run the monitor with java -jar TeamCommunicationMonitior.jar
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