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Modbus Proxy

bolliy edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 12 revisions

Modbus Proxy

Enables the connection of multiple clients to a single Modbus interface of the sun2000 inverter. The Huawei Modbus server only allows a single connection and denies access to all other clients.

Third party device such as wallbox, energy manager etc. can receive data even if the modbus interface of inverter is already in use. In addition you can mirror the sun2000 data to another IoBroker instance.

The setting is made via the configuration and the Modbus-Proxy tab:

  • active: activate the mobus-proxy service (default: false)
  • ip address: Modbus-proxy listening on (usually:
  • TCP port: Modbus-proxy TCP port (usually: 502)
  • advanced log: Communication of register as JSON string

The IP address of the ioBroker host is entered in the configuration of the third-party device. The tcp port must correspond to the value of the Modbus proxy.