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Rapid Genetic Diversity with Variability between Replicated Digital Organism Simulations and its Implications on Cambrian Explosion.

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Nov 1, 2020 · 2 revisions

Citation: Chew, SSM, Murthy, MV, Kamarudin, NJ, Wang, VCC, Tan, XT, Ramesh, A, Yablochkin, NV, Mathivanan, K, Ling, MHT. 2020. Rapid Genetic Diversity with Variability between Replicated Digital Organism Simulations and its Implications on Cambrian Explosion. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports 3(11): 64-68.

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Cambrian Explosion resulted in substantial increase in biodiversity, which may be attributed to both environmental and biological factors. Although increased genetic evolution rate had been shown during this period, the role of genetic evolution in increased biodiversity is unclear. Re-creating Cambrian Explosion experimentally is not feasible. In this study, we used digital organisms (DOs) at high rate of random point mutations in the absence of selective pressure to examine the extent genetic evolution possible during Cambrian Explosion. Our simulation results suggest rapid and significant genetic divergence in the absence of selective pressure can occur at a species level and at local population level with significant differences between each local population (F ≥ 15.97, p-value ≤ 1.4E-79). Hence, the emergence of biodiversity in Cambrian Explosion may be due to the release of accumulated adaptive potential.

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