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Russel and Rao Coefficient is a Suitable Substitute for Dice Coefficient in Studying Restriction Mapped Genetic Distances of Escherichia coli.

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 2 revisions

Citation: Chay, ZE, Lee, CH, Lee, KC, Oon, JSH, Ling, MHT. 2010. Russel and Rao Coefficient is a Suitable Substitute for Dice Coefficient in Studying Restriction Mapped Genetic Distances of Escherichia coli. iConcept Journal of Computational and Mathematical Biology 1:1.

Link to [Abstract].

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Dice coefficient (also known as Nei and Li coefficient) had been commonly used as a measure of genetic similarity from DNA fingerprints. This manuscript examines 19 other coefficients for its suitability. Our results suggest that Dennis, Fossum, Matching and Russel and Rao to work as well or better than Dice. Dennis, Matching and Fossum coefficients had highest discriminatory abilities but are limited by the lack of upper or lower boundaries. Russel and Rao coefficient is highly correlated with Dice coefficient (r2 = 0.998), with both higher and lower boundaries, suggesting that Russel and Rao coefficient can be used to substitute Dice coefficient in studying genetic distances in E. coli.

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