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Reference Genes for Measuring mRNA Expression.

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 3 revisions

Citation: Dundas, JB, Ling, MHT. 2012. Reference Genes for Measuring mRNA Expression. Theory in Biosciences 131: 215-223.

Link to [Abstract] and [Full Text].

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The aim of this review is to find answers to some of the questions surrounding reference genes and their reliability for quantitative experiments. Reference genes are assumed to be at a constant expression level, over a range of conditions such as temperature. These genes, such as GADPH and beta-actin, are used extensively for gene expression studies using techniques like quantitative PCR. There have been several studies carried out on identifying reference genes. However, a lot of evidence indicates issues to the general suitability of these genes. Recent studies had shown that different factors, including the environment and methods, play an important role in changing the expression levels of the reference genes. Thus, we conclude that there is no reference gene that can deemed suitable for all the experimental conditions. In addition, we believe that every experiment will require the scientific evaluation and selection of the best candidate gene for use as a reference gene in order to obtain reliable scientific results.

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