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Simulation Suggests that One Off Simple Supplementation from the Wild into Captive Population May Not Increase Captive Genetic Diversity.

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Jul 1, 2021 · 1 revision

Citation: Johny, A, Sumedha, PR, Ling, MHT. 2021. Simulation Suggests that One-Off Simple Supplementation from the Wild into Captive Population May Not Increase Captive Genetic Diversity. EC Veterinary Science 6(7): 107-111.

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Loss of genetic diversity in captive population due to inbreeding is a concern to commercial farming. Supplementation from the wild, which is deemed to be more genetically diverse, into captivity has been proposed as a method to increase genetic diversity in inbred captive populations. Here, we examine the possibility of a one-off supplementation by maintaining the increased captive population size for the period of one generation after supplementation using computer simulations on 50 markers of 10 equally proportioned alleles each. Our results suggest that one-off supplementation is not likely to increase the genetic diversity of captive population and we also observed that the genetic diversity of captive population may reduce proportional to supplementation ratio.

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