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Science Education Portraits IV Experiences from a Decade as Informal Career Counsellor can be Summarized as Personopreneurship.

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 1 revision

Citation: Ling, MHT. 2019. Science/Education Portraits IV: Experiences from a Decade as Informal Career Counsellor can be Summarized as Personopreneurship. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 3(3): 151-156.

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A teacher is an informal career counsellor; yet, teachers are often the counselee. This essay summarizes the career guidance received and a decade as informal career counsellor as personopreneurship – each of us is our business and the general manager of this business. This is consistent with the view that our curriculum vitae/resume is likened to a marketing document or product brochure. I consolidated the six key themes of personopreneurship as [a] sufficient skills utilization, [b] work that matches a calling and concordant with beliefs and faith, [c] sufficient workload, [d] good working environment, [e] support by superiors, peers, and subordinates; including availability of mentoring, autonomy and freedom to operate/manoeuvre, and [f] sufficient and stable income. Each of these themes will be reviewed based on current literature.

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